Holiday Special

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Christmas Eve at Camp Half-blood was always really festive but this year was one of the most festive so far.

It was the Christmas right after the giant war and everyone was honestly just happy to be alive. The whole camp worked together to decorate Thalia's tree while the hunter sat on a stone, grumbling to herself. Earlier that day, the Stoll brothers had thought it would be funny to cover the badass daughter of Zeus in Christmas lights.

She hadn't done anything in retaliation yet which left the two extremely paranoid. Their girlfriends watched in amusement as Travis and Connor snuck around camp, back to back, on the lookout for Thalia.

Everyone was inspecting gifts, trying to figure out what they'd be getting, before they were to head up to Olympus for the Winter Solstice part of the day. Percy and Annabeth were walking towards Half-blood hill hand in hand, greeting campers new and old as they encountered them.

The younger campers were completely in awe of the two unofficial leaders of the camp. Percy had gotten a colourless tattoo that covered his entire back that looked like broken glass with an owl and a trident. Everyone could see it as soon as the son of Poseidon went swimming which is why he wore a swim shirt when he swam at school.

At the same time, Annabeth had gotten a trident over her heart and an owl on the back of her neck.

When they reached The beautifully decorated Thalia's tree (mostly due to the Aphrodite cabin), they were met by Grover and Artemis who sent everyone on ahead to Olympus before continuing her journey.

In the Olympian Council, each god and goddess, whether they were on the Council or just watching, greeted their children as they arrived.

For many campers, they had never been to Olympus before so they were shocked to see not only thrones for Hades and Hestia, but also two extra. They were smaller than the rest but were still regal.

The heads of the cabins had decorated them with mistletoe and holly along with a little bit of tinsel.

As soon as everyone arrived and sat down council started. After a lot of boring banter between the gods, Zeus stood to make an announcement.

"We have decided that eventually we should step down and let the younger generation take over."

Zeus was clearly irked by the fact that he had to say that while Poseidon just smiled at his son. The vote had been taken a few days earlier and, as the saying goes, majority rules.

"Therefore, today we would like to announce who will become king and queen the gods."

Hera grumbled a bit at this.

"As soon as their first child is born, Perseus Jackson and Annabeth Chase will become the next rulers of Olympus, at that time they will choose their Council."

Percy looked at Annabeth then at Thalia and Grover.


A/N: I am so sorry, I know this is beyond short but I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. Or Happy Holidays for those of you who don't celebrate Christmas. I would've made this yesterday or the day before but everything was so chaotic that I didn't have time. So happy holidays everyone, I hope you have a great day.

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