Aaron Gorren

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A/N: this is if Luke was good, hadn't died and was with Thalia. Also, if there's anything wrong with ages, please just go with it.

Aaron's POV

I examined my driver's license as I walked through the halls towards the front office. I had to show this new girl around the school. I didn't really want to but it meant getting out of class so whatever.

I was about to open the door to the office to wait for the girl when I caught a peek outside. There was this hot punk chic standing there with a blonde boy.

He wasn't looking in this direction so I couldn't see his face but the girl had short, spikey black hair and electric blue eyes.

I quickly turned away and went into the office.

Maybe two minutes later she walked in. She was wearing a death to Barbie T-shirt, black pants, and an oversized leather jacket.

She looked me up and down before rolling her eyes. I was very offended.

I am the hottest guy in school with my silky, chocolate brown hair that is always specifically styled to look like I just got out of bed. I had four pack abs and loved to show them off. Hades, I'm captain of every male sport at this school.

Oh yeah, and gods are real. Who cares?

The receptionist went to give out the new girl's schedule.

"Thalia Gra-"

"I don't use my last name." She practically growled.

She is so hot.

The receptionist shrunk back and handed Thalia the schedule with a shaking hand.

Thalia snatched the paper and started walking out of the office.

"Hey, wait up!" I yelled.

I finally caught up with the hottie.

"Hey babe, I'm Aaron. I'm here to show you the ropes in this hellhole."

She glared at me.

"Trust me, this is far from hell and back off, I have a boyfriend."

I crossed my arms and smirked, leaning against the lockers.

"Prove it, and I'll leave you alone."

"Fine, he's picking me up after school. Now piss off, I got a map."

So I went back to class, silently wishing her luck. She'd never find a fake boyfriend on such short notice.


I walked into the parking lot with a swagger in my step. I was confident that Thalia would be mine.

I saw her sitting on a bench, playing with some metal contraption that made sounds as you manipulate the levers and cranks. I heard her mutter something along the lines of 'I don't know how Valdez comes up with these things'.

"Hey babe, come to my car when you're done playing hard to get."

I didn't wait for her answer as I rushed to my new black car.

A few minutes later, I was leaning on my car when an electric blue car, the same colour of Thalia's eyes, pulled into the parking lot. A tall guy with sandy blonde hair, a mischievous grin and tons of muscles stepped out. He looked to be at least twenty. I was totally better than him.

Thalia ran up to him, gave him a hard punch in the arm, then proceeded to grab a fistful of his shirt and pull him down into a passionate embrace which he instantly returned.

As they pulled apart for air Thalia rested her head against his chest.

"What kept me waiting this time?"

"Percy, he was freaking out about becoming a father. Again."

She shook her head.

"What a Kelp Head."

I walked up to the guy confidently and stuck out my hand.

"Hey man, I'm Aaron."

Thalia whispered something in his ear that caused him to look at me wearily before shaking my hand with a really strong grip. Honestly, he nearly broke my hand.

"Luke Castellan."

"Come on Luke, let's go." Thalia said.

They got in the car and drove away.

I saw Thalia almost everyday for months after but I didn't go after her because that same night as I went to find my driver's license, in it's usual spot was a note.

I love my girlfriend and she loves me. If you hit on her again I will put you in the hospital for a month.
        Courtesy of,
                        Luke Castellan '

Needless to say I backed off. Thankfully, I soon discovered my driver's license in my back pocket.

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