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~Addison pov~

My mom wouldn't even listen to me. Josh didn't nothing wrong. I made a mistake and now Josh is leaving. I walked out of my room and to Josh's. Hearing him pack made me feel a hot sensation in my eyes. I couldn't cry not in front of him. I knocked on the door.

"I'm busy!" He shouted.

"Josh it's me."

"I'm busy!" He yelled at me.

"Josh please." I could feel tears streaming down my face. He opened the door and just looked at me. I went to hug him but he stepped back. "Josh?"

"We can't, this can't happen." He pushed passed me, suitcase in hand. He walked down the stairs and I followed him.

"Josh what about waiting." I was crying so much it hurt.

"I can't let you wait for me and I can't wait for you I'm sorry but I have no choice." With that he got in his car started the ignition and drove off. I started to think that maybe if I hadn't kissed him none of this would happen he wouldn't be leaving. I wouldn't be crying. Things would be okay. I would still have him here. He wouldn't be a goner.

~Josh pov~

I was angry at Stephanie but mostly at myself. Kissing Addi was a mistake because of the mistake I made I have to leave I can't be here anymore. I heard a knock on the door.

"I'm busy" I shouted I didn't want to talk to anyone. I needed to leave before I hurt Addi more.

"Josh it me" she spoke.

"I'm busy!" I yelled again.

"Josh please." I couldn't handle seeing her cry and the sound of her voice showed she was in tears. I opened the door. She tried to hug me but I walked passed her down the stairs and to my car. It was going to hurt her more than I wanted it to. She followed me. She asked me about waiting. I couldn't her parents would kill me. She needed to experience others. She didn't need me. I drove off and the last thing I saw was her fgall to the ground with her face in her hands. I hurt to much I wanted to be with her hug her and tell her everything was going to be okay. Nothing will be okay. At least not now. Not after I left.

~Addison pov~

Josh was gone. I couldn't be happy again. I couldn't love again. I can't live. I need to over react. Nothing will be okay again. It just can't. I got in my car tears still streaming down my cheeks. If Josh left why shouldn't I. He would be happy without me so I should just be okay. But I'm not. I drove to the bridge just down the road.

Stephanie wouldn't give a damn if I jumped off a bridge. Just as long as she didn't have to go to the funeral. Now neither would Josh.

All I had was gone. Josh was gone. My dad was gone. So why shouldnt I be gone. As I neared the bridge I stopped my car. I got out and walked to the edge. The need to just jump filled my blood and bones. My heart aches and my throat was dry. The wind was blowing through my hair. It all felt so right. This was all meant to happen. I was supposed to jump. As I stepped on the edge of the stone wall my stomach dropped. I looked down. It was a very long drop. A much needed drop for a much needed jump. As I was ready to jump I heard someone call my name. It was Tyler. He was to late. I was a goner.

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