Annoying Employee [01]

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Sasuke's POV

"Don't you dare." I whispered to the inanimate object in front of me.

The machine creaked and threatened to fail it's simple task. The hot liquid wasn't pouring, it was spattering out of the nozzle. I kept my finger held on the button for it to work.

I narrowed my onyx orbs at the bronze cappachino machine. You could almost hear it give out its last breathes.

Then there wasn't any sort of liquid coming from it.

"Dammit..." I mumbled and slammed my hand on the machine.

It had finally given out on Konoha cafe. The thing is... We don't have time to get another one, we open in fifteen minutes.

"Naruto," I called out to the back of the cafe.

A head of fuzzy, blonde hair emerged from the back.


"Get Kakaski-san on the phone, the cappachino machine gave out." I ordered.

He let out a sigh and nodded. I watched him walk to the phone then turned my attention back to the mechanic corpse.

I began to unplug the cords and take out the filters. Once that was done I mustered up my strength and pulled it from its place on the back counter and placed it on the ground.

My attention turned back to Naruto who seemed to be getting reprimanded on the phone.

"Hinata, can you start restocking the sweets before the breakfast rush gets here?" I asked the lavender eyed girl.

She was wiping the tables in the front and stopped her task when I asked her that.


Hinata walked to the back and grabbed the tray of pre made sweets. I walked to the back and into the office.

Late... Again.

A sigh escaped my lips when I marked my employee late. Just then a loud and annoying voice was heard from the front.

"Sasuke-kun!!! I'm sorry I'm--!"

"Shhh!" Naruto hissed at his cousin. "Yes sir, right away. Okay, bye."

I walked back into the front of the small cafe to see Naruto with his fingers on his temples.

"You're late." I looked at the woman in front of the counter.

"My car wouldn't start so I had to call a--"

"You could've walked and been here already, Karin." I cut her off, not wanting to hear her anymore. "Whatever, it's coming out of your paycheck."

I wiped my hands on my black apron and returned to the back room. I could hear Karin complain about her paycheck as I walked.

The kitchen staff was already at work, making the breakfast and lunch orders, as well as the sweets.

I hate sweets.

Soon enough I heard the clicking of stilettos on the hard wood floor. Why heels for a cafe job?

"Sasuke-kun... Do you really have to deduct from my paycheck for twenty, little minutes?" The redhead purred in my ear.

I rolled my eyes at her and looked back down at my paper.

"What cha workin' on?" She asked with a playful tone.

"None of your damn buisness, go get to work." I snapped.

Annoying Employee •SasuSaku•Where stories live. Discover now