Annoying Employee [17]

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Normal POV

Don't be dead.

Don't be dead.

Don't be dead.

He inhaled deeply before opening the door to the area his brother was in. Sasuke was very confused.

Sakura and him had gone that very morning to see Itachi. He was perfectly fine, everything was great. Itachi had moved out of the ICU.

What happened?

"Sasuke-san," the familiar face of a nurse that had befriended him appeared.

"Ji-san," The Uchiha stopped for a moment before proceeding to his brother's room. "What happened?"

"I don't know but..." The brunette trailed off and fumbled with the end of her braid. "You should spend as much time as you can with him." Her bright pink eyes gazed up at him with a look of concern.

"I-" Sasuke was cut off by the sound of her pager going off. He sighed and forced a small smile. "Go on."

She nodded and walked in the opposite direction. Sasuke hadn't seen her in a few weeks but they became friends ever since Itachi came back from Amegakure.

He continued on his way and knocked before entering his brother's room. His mother was sitting by his bedside and his father was pacing.

"Sasuke," Fugaku looked up at him. However his mother didn't even move at his presence. "She's asleep." He said, noticing the concern in his son's face.

"What happened?" Sasuke asked in a hushed tone.

Fugaku motioned towards the hallway so that they could talk in a normal tone. Both Uchiha men walked quietly into the hallway so they could talk normally amongst themselves.

Fugaku took a deep breath before facing his younger son. The father of 28 years reminisced for a few moments.

The days of happiness and glee of when his children were still pure and innocent. But all it took to turn everything was one diagnosis.

Their onyx eyes clashed once Fugaku finally looked up from the tiled floor, ready to explain.

"Sasuke," his rough voice started. "The doctors told us to prepare for the worst. She said this time isn't like the others; we could really loose him this time." his voice almost cracked but he was able to stay calm.

Sasuke tried to process everything calmly but to be honest, he was in complete shambles. He was confused, upset, sad, but most of all... Terrified.

"B-but the past week he's been getting so much better." The Uchiha tried to convince himself. "That's why only this morning he was moved out of ICU."

The brunette Uchiha frowned and ran a hand through his hair. He understood how Sasuke was feeling, he was feeling it all at the same time.

"What Dr. Senju is calling this is the surge." He paused momentarily while he gathered his words. "It happens with most terminally ill patients, such as Itachi, where they get a sudden burst of energy before..." Fugaku trailed off.

Silence engulfed the two of them once again. It wasn't awkward but both felt uncomfortable at the moment.

"Before they die?" Sasuke finished his sentence. His father solemnly nodded and pushed his hands into his pants pockets. The ravenette released a pent up breath and ran his hands through his hair.

Annoying Employee •SasuSaku•Where stories live. Discover now