Annoying Employee [20]

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Normal POV

She brushed her pink hair out of her face and leaned back in the chair. The light pink walls of her childhood bedroom we're now faded but the brightness of the green carpet remained.

Sakura enjoyed the way Sasuke's footprints would stay pressed into the carpet for a few seconds before rising back up. However, she didn't enjoy the fact that he was pacing.

Of course the Haruno knew that things weren't going to go back to normal but she wished that he would accept it. He had barely said anything after Sakura dragged him to her bedroom. The only thing he had said to her was: "A baby."

"How far along are you?" He finally asked but didn't dare to make eye contact.

"Three months."

He nodded and continued his pacing. It looked as if the Uchiha was doing an equation in his head. He would stop for a moment then mumble something incoherent then continue his pacing.

Sakura just rested her hand on the very small bump and slouched back into the chair. She didn't exactly know what to say to him, it was like they were strangers.

Except that they aren't. They were- are in love. Sakura and Sasuke weren't together as a couple for a long time but they were each other's for what seemed like forever.

"Sasuke-kun..." She murmured and sat up slightly. He gazed up at her in an attentive manner and stopped his pacing, giving his entire attention to the pinkette herself. She blushed slightly, she forgot how intense his eyes were. "C-can we just talk?"

He paused for a moment before nodding slowly. He forgot that they could communicate, so it seemed.

The ravenette sat on the edge of her bed, parallel from her. She smiled at him and he just focused on her. Sakura just wanted to hug and kiss him but she knew that there was too much tension to even touch each other. However, that's exactly what Sasuke yearned for as well.

"I'm pregnant." Was the first thing that came to her mind to say. He scoffed and chuckled softly at her.

"It is mine... Right?" Sasuke looked at her suspiciously and the Haruno became flustered.

"Of course!" She yelled. "You're the only man I've been with in the past year!" Sakura huffed and crossed her arms over chest, offended.

"Gomen'nasai," he muttered. "Are you going to have an abortion?"

She froze at his words. Her blood ran cold and chest tightened. Yes, that thought had ran through her mind millions of times once she found out she was with child. But... Murder her own child? Her own flesh and blood? The very creature that nested in the space beneath her heart?

"No..." Sakura said clearly but slowly.

"You'll die." He said firmly. "Sakura–"

"You don't get to decide what happens to this child or me for that matter. You forced me away so you do not get the right to tell me how to live." She blurted out without a second thought.

The green eyed beauty stood and faced the wall. She took a few steps away from him and pressed her hand to her small belly.

The Uchiha's eyes widened at her words. He understood her feelings but felt that he had a right.

"Sakura," he stood up and walked up behind her. She felt his cool breath on her shoulder and she shuddered.

"I know that I hurt you. You did lie to me but I didn't react the way I should've. I've missed you every day for the past three months, you've never left my mind." He leaned in closer as his fingers grasped her hips.

Annoying Employee •SasuSaku•Where stories live. Discover now