Annoying Employee [05]

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Sakura's POV


The nerve of that man.

Making me work with a pervert.

At minimum wage.

But the thing is... I really love this job. I've made two new friends, Naruto and Hinata (engaged, they're so cute!), plus my boss isn't always that bad.

Karin... well I don't hate her but i don't like her either. I try to be nice but she brushes me off. I don't know what I did to make her hate me.

Sasuke... He's a bit of a downer but then again he has his looks going for him.

"Mikoto?" I asked.

"My mom, not that it's any of your buisness." He replied sharply.

I know that name. That's Itachi's mom's name. I didn't know he had a little brother though, but I haven't had any courage to ask Sasuke-san.

And yesterday Sasuke said he was gonna visit his brother... Is Itachi in the hospital again? Damn I wish I had his number.

And also that's why the little shit blew me off! I offer to spend some time with my boss and he says no! But if it's Itachi.... I understand completely.

And today he accepted my offer to go and have fun! Ino is gonna freak out.

Counting all the 'and's I just thought.... That's a list.

"Sakura-san, can you come help me?" Hinata's voice broke me from my thoughts.

I nodded and grabbed the dustpan as she swept a bit of dirt into it.

"No need for formalities, Hinata." I giggled as I stood up.

"Gomen, it's a habit, Sakura-chan." The bluenette smiled at me.

I smiled back and walked to the trash can to empty the garbage into it. I took the broom from Hinata and walked back to the supply closet to put them away. Hinata walked past me going to the kitchen I turned back around to the front.

I like it here in Konoha.

Me and Ino used to live in Amegakure, that's why I love rain so much. We moved away together and wanted to live on our own for a little bit. Kakaski-sensei is an old family friend; that's how we know each other.

Since it started raining yesterday, it hasn't really stopped. It's perfect for teaching someone to smile, Sasuke especially.

I heard the door chime open and I rushed to the counter to greet the new customer. My green eyes quickly scanned the customer.

Brown hair in Chinese buns and big chocolate eyes. Tan skin covered in a red raincoat and jeans.

"Welcome to Konoha cafe, what can I get for you?" I smiled.

"One hot chocolate, please, and would you could call Hinata for me?" The female asked.

"Oh... Um... Of course."

I quirked an eyebrow as I turned around to the back. I turned into the kitchen and looked around for her. She was putting some freshly baked sweets onto a tray to restock them.

"Ano Hinata, there's a lady in the front asking for you." I said.

"Well I'm heading up there anyways." Hinata smiled and picked up the tray.

I followed Hinata to the front and the brunette was tapping her fingers against the counter

"Hinata." The girl smiled.

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