Annoying Employee [15]

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Normal POV

Sakura let out a deep sigh and furrowed her thin pink browns. Everyone seemed to be giving her letters of some sort and she didn't have any clue what they meant.


"Sasuke-kun?" She turned to face the Uchiha but he, much to her dissatisfaction, had left to his daily work chores. She frowned slightly and ran a hand through her mess of pink hair. Her frown deepened when she noticed the pink stands of hair that stuck to her palm.

On the other side of the cafe, the Uchiha sighed and rubbed his temples. His girlfriend was certainly troublesome. Sasuke was actually surprised that she hadn't figured it what he was going to say by the end of today.

Maybe she was more dense than Naruto.

"Ne, Sasuke-kun?" A voice chimed from the side of him. He turned his gaze and was met by a piercing pair of crimson red eyes.

"Nani?" Sasuke murmured, but he wasn't rude. Today he was in a surprising good mood. Waking up to Sakura's beautiful face, spending most of his morning with her and then finding out his best friends were expecting a child of their own.

A very good morning indeed.

"Ano... How's Itachi-kun?" Karin asked, not really knowing what to say. She just wanted to hear Sasuke's voice, even if it was just in a few sentences.

"Okay, I guess."

"Well give him my love." She smiled, love meaning as friends. The Uzumaki was still trying to figure him out, why Sakura? But in the end, it was Sasuke that mattered to her.

He nodded promptly and began to clean the coffee machines. And just like that, the Uzumaki with glasses lost all hope of continuing their conversation.


"Quitting time!"

The loud voice of the blue eyed man bounced off the walls of the empty cafe as he flipped the open sign on the door to closed.

The bright rays of the sun kissed the sky goodnight and left it's colorful trail along the sky, replacing itself with bright stars. A sigh of relief was heard in the break room, where the few lockers that held their belongings were.

Sakura untied her apron and left it in her locker. She pulled on her thin navy blue sweater over the white button up she wore. Her sneakers were replaced by her wedges and she grabbed her purse.

Sakura's green eyes wandered around the room, looking for her boyfriend. She saw the bluenette putting on her sweater, Naruto putting away his apron and Karin texting someone on her phone. A frown slowly appeared on her lips but quickly vanished when she noticed the black haired man waiting in the doorway.

She walked towards him with a small smile that reflected his own.

"Ready?" She asked him, referring to going home after the long day of work they had. He nodded and took her hand in his.

"Goodnight minna-san," Sakura bid her farewells, "and congrats again, Naruto and Hinata." She smiled and waved.

"Arigato, ttebayo!" The blonde Uzumaki smiled and waved back. Hinata displayed a sweet smile and bowed slightly.

"Lock up when you leave, dobe." The Uchiha murmured before taking Sakura along with him to the front. A content sigh left the pinkette's lips as the cool evening weather hit her cheeks. The couple got into the car and began their drive home, to whose was still unknown.

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