Annoying Employee [02]

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Sasuke's POV

My world went dark and my heart shattered. Before my mother said anything else I hung up the call and got up.

"Ano... Could you guys drive me to the hospital?" I asked Hinata, not making eye contact.

"Sure, Sasuke-kun... What's---"


I stood up and walked to the couple's car and waited for them to come.

"It's... Itachi."

But he was getting better. It... It went away. There's no way he could be sick again.

I saw him two days ago... He was fine.


I sat in the back seat with Kurama and waited for my stop. They didn't speak but Hinata kept looking at me from the mirror.

I couldn't comprehend anything at the moment. I felt my so... Broken. He was better... He was good.

About ten more minutes we arrived at the hospital.

"Arigato." I muttered and stepped out of the car.

"Do you want us to go in with you?" Hinata asked.

"Iē... I'm fine, go home."

I quickly walked inside, each step I felt my feet getting heavier. The doors opened and everything was in slow motion.

The nurses, the doctors, the patients... Walking slow. I couldn't breath and shook my head, trying to clear my mind. I walked to the front desk and a blonde looked up at me.

"Uchiha, Itachi?" I asked.

She clicked through her computer and located him.

"Room 185, on your le--"


I already knew the way. It wasn't my first time going through this. Being suddenly called at work with news my brother is sick.

He got through it each time, and he will this time too.

The red and white tiles on the hospital floors made a zig zag pattern across the hallway. The walls were an off white with a yellow line going down the horizontal middle.

My body felt heavy and my mind was clouded in worries. I turned the hallway and reached room 185.

I sucked in a breath and knocked lightly on the door before entering. My onyx eyes widened at the sight in front of me.

My brother laying on the bed, lifeless. My mother held his hand tightly and my father rubbed her back.

"Sasuke... Come over here." Itachi gave a weak smile at me.

I couldn't move but I forced myself to. I inched my way closer to the hospital bed and put on a lopsided smile.

"What the hell did you do?" I said with a small chuckle, trying to liven the sad aura in the room.

Itachi laughed a little then it turned into coughing. A coughing fit. He grabbed a tissue and coughed a bit into it. When he removed the soft material from his mouth, there was blood which he quickly crumpled up.

It's happening again.

"I was making some late lunch." My brother mumbled. "I must've gotten a bit dizzy and fell."

I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. A tired smile was on his lips and a sad one on mine.

"We've told you to let the nurse co--"

Annoying Employee •SasuSaku•Where stories live. Discover now