Annoying Employee [18]

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Normal POV

"Sasuke-kun, I have leukemia."

Those words floated in the air and Sakura fumbled with her fingers. Her bright green eyes stared at the person in front of her.

She released a sigh and ran a hand through her hair, shaking her head in disapproval. The Haruno leaned in closer to the mirror and observed the blemishes on her skin.

This was a sign she was absolutely stressed. She was breaking out in acne. Sakura hated this, it was like she was back in high school.

"No." She heard a faint moan. "Noo."

The pinkette sighed and unlocked the restroom door and stepped out. She turned off the light and closed the door behind her.

"No!" The whimpers were now screams and shouts. Sakura ran across the hall and into the bedroom.

Her green eyes immediately went to her boyfriend in the bed, tossing and turning. She walked over to him and knelt down.

"Sasuke, Sasuke-kun." She cooed softly as she began to shake him. "Baby, wake up."

He groaned in his sleep and she crawled next to him. The Uchiha gasped and sat up straight, nearly knocking the girl in the head.

The ravenette was sweating and out of breath, he was absolutely miserable. Today was Itachi's funeral and that just made it worse.

"Sakura," he gazed over at her. Their eyes met and she shared a small smile. "What time is it?"

The pinkette looked behind him at the alarm clock and read the time. "5:5-" then the alarm went off. She quickly stood and went to turn it off. "Six o'clock."

He placed his elbows on his knees and held his head in his hands. Sasuke released a shaky sigh and looked up at his girlfriend. "What are you even doing up?"

"Oh..." She paused for a moment. "I woke up to use the restroom then heard you yelling." But the truth was that she had been up for an hour trying to figure out how she was going to tell Sasuke.

He nodded and swung his legs off the side of the bed to get up. "Let's stop by the cafe before we go to..." The Uchiha couldn't bring himself to say it, he was still in denial that his brother was dead.

"Okay." The pinkette agreed. She went to the closet and grabbed the outfit she had brought over yesterday.

The Uchiha stood and put on his best smile before looking over at his beloved. She smiled back sweetly at him and he motioned for her to near him.

Sakura walked to him and he immediately snaked his arms around her small waist. The Haruno frowned slightly when he buried his nose into her neck.

She wanted to tell him but every chance was wasted. "Sasuke-kun I-"

"Let's shower?" He asked while turning his head to look at her. Once again, a wasted chance.



The cafe was dull and quiet, lifeless even. Ino was there, she agreed to help at the cafe once again. Karin, Ino and Shijima were taking care of it.

The others were going to the funeral. Sakura walked to the back and hugged her best friend. The blonde smiled at her, sadly however. "Are you going to tell him today?" She whispered softly.

The pinkette frowned and looked over at her boyfriend. He was talking to Shijima, she could see through his tough exterior and see just how broken he was.

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