Annoying Employee [19]

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Normal POV

The skies had been weeping terribly for the past three months. Although there were many sunny days, Sasuke only found comfort in the ones that were rainy.

A bluenette walked out from the back with the daily sweets for the cafe. She rested them on the counter while she opened the display. The day began as soon as Hinata finished stocking the sweets.

"Why don't you rest?" Naruto asked as he leaned on the counter. His wife chuckled softly and put a hand on his shoulder.

"The day just started, Naruto-kun. I'll be fine." They began to giggle with one another a shared a kiss or two. Naruto's hand rested peacefully on the side of her baby bump and Hinata displayed a huge smile.

The Uchiha grimaced in the back but pushed his personal opinion to the side. He waited by the cash register for any customer to come by.

Sasuke had been terribly depressed the past few months. After Itachi's funeral, he hadn't seen Sakura. It's as if she had disappeared into the thin air. However, Ino cleared it up that she had gone back to Amegakure but she and Sai were staying in Konoha to raise the baby they were expecting.

At first, Sasuke was relieved that Sakura had left Konoha. Relieved that he no longer needed to care for anyone other than himself. However... He liked caring for her.

He liked the way he would wake up with her in his arms. The way she would nag him about making his bed. The way Sakura loved the oddest things and smallest details. He liked the way she kissed him throughout the day. He loved when she would kiss his neck after a long day of work.

It may not have been a long relationship but it was a deep one. They had cared for each other but now no one cared.

"Sasuke-kun?" The redhead stood next to Sasuke. He turned his head to her duly and she displayed a small smile. "How are you feeling today?"

"Fine." He answered, lifeless.

Karin stopped her attempts to get with him but still cared. She just wanted him happy, she even had a new love interest in her life. A man with the name Suigetsu.

"Do you need anything?"


Karin sighed and decided it was best not to push him. Many people had been pushing him over the edge and it was not a pretty sight.

The Uchiha walked to the office and decided to stay in there. He would do the paper work that he hated but now it was better than interacting with people.

The door chimed open a few times within the next few minutes. Naruto and Hinata tented to them while Karin served the in-house customers.

Sasuke sighed as he typed in the numbers for the past few months, finally getting some things done. He heard the chatter of the cafe rise and was relieved to see the cafe doing well. There were laughs and hollers, the cafe sounded more like a diner.

"Sasuke," the Uchiha looked up dully at Naruto. "There's, ano, someone here to see you." He murmured.

He sighed and stood up before walking out and plastering on a fake... Not really smile but more of a persona. Sasuke walked to the counter and looked around.

Hinata pointed to a table and Sasuke walked over. He raised an eyebrow once he scanned over the woman sitting there. She had thin, short blonde hair and wrinkled, pale skin. Her eyes were a sharp emerald green and she wore a white dress. She looked somewhat familiar but he had never seen her before.

"Excuse me?" Sasuke walked up to the table. "My coworker said you would like to speak to me? Is there something wrong with the cafe?"

"No," she said softly. "Are you Uchiha Sasuke?" The raved haired man nodded slowly. "Then please, sit."

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