Annoying Employee [08]

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Sasuke's POV

I quickly parked the car and exited then locked it. The rain didn't cease the whole drive here but we made it. I glanced back at the limping Sakura behind me. I needed to get to Itachi and she was just slowing me down.

"Hurry up." I snapped as I looked left and right, waiting for the cars to pass so we could cross the street.

"Well how about you try walking around in broken heels?!" The pinkette quickly said back at me.

I rolled my onyx orbs and grabbed her hand. She gasped slightly but quickly regained her posture. I should've dropped her off at her building but there was no time.

I can't waste any time.

We crossed the street safely and proceeded to the doors of the hospital. Sakura let go of my hand and I didn't hear her behind me anymore. I turned and saw her twisting her clothes and ringing out her pink hair from the rain water that was soaked in.

That's when I realized my car was probably full of water stains now. I followed suit and rung out my clothes to prevent any slips in the hospital from our wet clothes. As soon as they were just damp, I took her hand again and we continued into the hospital.

The white walls seemed brighter than they usually were as they contrasted with the black night outside. I walked to the counter to ask where my brother was. Mom said on the phone that they had moved Itachi to a different room.

I waited for the person behind the desk to finish her phone call. It didn't seem to be work related however.

"Excuse m--" I was cut off by her finger. She held up her hand in a waiting motion as she laughed into the phone.

"Sasuke-kun, aren't we in a rush?" The pinkette whispered into my ear.

I nodded and began to tap my finger against the counter, my patience running out. This inconsiderate woman was compromising patient care. The lives of others. Well not really but she's wasting the time I could be spending with my--

"Hey!" A loud voice knocked me from my thoughts. I turned and saw the green eyed girl, or rather monster at the moment, with her palms on the counter and thin brows furrowed.

Her stance was making her look taller than she was, much taller for that matter. Sakura honestly looked rather intimidating at this moment in time.

"Your job is not to be chit chatting on the phone all night but to help the patients of this hospital and to direct their family to them. So I suggest that you hang up your little personal call and tell me where the hell I can find Uchiha Itachi before I report you to your supervisor." Sakura said, almost yelling.

The atmosphere grew quiet around us, Sakura had made a scene that drew everyone's attention to us. I looked at the young orange haired female whose pink eyes were wide and mouth pulled into a thin line. You could hear the beep of her cell phone hang up as she slowly moved to the computer and clicked through the files.

"R-room 337," She squeaked under Sakura's cold glare. "O-on your r-right."

He was moved to a different floor.

"Thanks." The bipolar she-devil smiled and grabbed my wrist, pulling me with her.

I looked at her in awe as we walked to the elevator. She pressed her finger onto the up button and stepped back a bit. Her green eyes landed on me and she offered a small smile.

The elevator door dinged and we stepped inside. Sakura didn't say anything, she just held my hand tightly. That was all the comfort I needed right now.

Annoying Employee •SasuSaku•Where stories live. Discover now