Annoying Employee [07]

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Sasuke's POV


Yes, I believe I was hijacked.

By my not-date. What an eventful night this has become.

She said kun.

The car ride was silent as we drove in the rainy weather. Sakura kept stealing glances at me, probably baffled with my silence.

I decided that if I'd object to her driving, I'd most likely get hit or yelled at and I was already tired.

Although curiosity has its limits.

"Where are we going?" I finally broke the silence.

"I'd thought you'd never ask." The pinkette remarked. "The pizza took longer than I thought it would so we're only going to do one thing."

Almost home then.

"And that would be?"

"A secret."

I sighed heavily and crossed my arms over my broad chest. The green eyed girl snickered as she pressed her foot on the gas a little more.

Once again the rain had ceased for awhile and the roads were sleek. I closed my eyes, a little upset with Sakura, and inhaled deeply.

"Sleepy already, Sasuke-kun?" Her perky voice asked.

I scoffed and smirked but kept my eyes sealed shut.

"Just annoyed."

"Annoyed? With who? With me?" She asked innocently and I could almost imagine her smug face.

"No." Was all I said.

She let out a puff of air and scoffed. I smirked slightly and shifted into my passengers seat.

A few moments passed of complete and blissful silence. However in those moments I began to feel a droplet of water every now and then, a sharp breeze hit my cheeks.

I opened my onyx orbs looking for the source of my discomfort. I frowned when I saw she had opened all of the car windows.

It was still chilly even though April will be coming soon and the rain only made it colder. I turned to scold the pinkette... But I couldn't.

Her green eyes were still glued to the road in front of the headlights. The pink hair that was constricted behind the grasp of her headband was set free and blew in every which way.

On her pink lips was a small smile from the sensation of the wind through her locks.

"Why did you open the windows?" Was all I asked.

"It got too stuffy." She quickly stated.

I rolled my onyx orbs at her but my eyesight quickly returned to Sakura. I just... Couldn't seem to take me eyes off of her.

We drove awhile longer down the dark road to somewhere I didn't recognized. It was dark and the rain finally began again, making me groan.

Sakura pushed her foot gently on the breaks and we slowly pulled to a halt in the middle of no where. I looked at the surroundings of the car and I pursed my lips.



I turned back to the pinkette and flinched a bit. She was leaned right over the cup holder, her wide green eyes staring at me.

She had on a small smile and all of her features seemed to be glowing in the dark atmosphere.

The pinkette reached a hand over her head and opened the sunroof, but not the actual window. She looked up and frowned slightly.

Annoying Employee •SasuSaku•Where stories live. Discover now