Annoying Employee [23]

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Normal POV

She gripped onto the hospital sheets and squeezed Sasuke's hand as yet another contraction ripped through her fragile body.

Sakura let out a strangled scream and threw her head back onto the pillow. Sasuke was absolutely horrified at the amount of pain his wife was going through and hated that she was so headstrong.

A nurse stood closely by to monitor her because this was a very high-risk pregnancy.

"Uchiha-san," the bright blue haired nurse spoke. "Please reconsider taking medication to help you."

"No!" The pinkette screamed. "You want me to drug my baby?!"

Sasuke stood by her side and let out a defeated sigh. She always had her beliefs and like hell if he was going to argue with them now.

Sakura finally relaxed back into the bed and her breathing calmed slightly. Her hands were shaky and body very weak, but she was determined to give birth to her daughter naturally.

"Sak, baby, do you need anything?" Sasuke asked his wife.

She turned her head to him with a defeated look in her eyes and shook her head. "Did you call my parents?"

"They'll be here in the morning." He said calmly and the female nodded.

He began to lightly massage her hip to soothe her in a way. Sasuke didn't know what else he could do to help his wife.

Sakura's fist clenched and she sat up slightly, another contraction. The raven haired man stood next to her and placed her hand in his.

"Ah!" She gasped and squeezed his hand tightly. Her nails dug into his skin and he bit the inside of his cheek, no way was he about to complain.

"The contractions are getting more frequent and last longer." The nurse stated as she checked her vitals when Sakura finally calmed down after a few minutes. "I'm going to examine you now."

The nurse began her examination, causing Sakura slight discomfort. The pink eyed nurse smiled slightly. "You're dilated at a 10." She stated. "I'll get Dr. Senju."

The pinkette panted and sweat glistened on her forehead. "You hear that, honey?" She smiled tiredly. "We're about to have our baby."


"One more push! One more and your beautiful baby girl will be here!" Tsunade encouraged Sakura to continue her labor.

"No... I-I can't." She sobbed in pain.

Sasuke held Sakura up after every push, her exhausted body wanting to collapse. "C'mon baby." He murmured softly into her ear.

Another contraction soon came and the green eyed girl pushed. "Gah!!" She gasped out.

She screamed. Oh god how she screamed. He screamed too, his hand now fractured. But... She cried. She cried beautiful and melodious cry.

Sakura looked up at the little baby. Brand new to the world, not knowing a thing. Her head was covered in pitch black hair and she cried.

"S-she's so tiny." Sakura gasped out, her legs relaxing.

Sasuke stood there, his hand swelling. That was his baby. His daughter.

"Oh my god." He mumbled, Sakura still holding his hand.

"Welcome baby Uchiha." Tsunade said proudly as she took the baby to get cleaned up.

"Careful, she's really tiny!" Sakura yelled and began to cry. Sasuke kissed Sakura's forehead and she cried more into his shoulder.

Annoying Employee •SasuSaku•Where stories live. Discover now