Annoying Employee [09]

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Sakura's POV

"You kissed?!"

"We kissed."

The blonde's sky blue eyes widened and she smiled widely before throwing herself back onto my bed and kicking the air.

I frowned slightly, I had just made the bed and now it was completely ruined. But then again I reacted the same way when her and Sai started dating.

But me and Sasuke-kun aren't dating!

She sat up, wrapping my pink comforter around her body and her eyes were wide.

"Sakura," Ino sighed dreamily and tugged at my hand, making my swivel chair roll towards the edge of the bed.

"Yes?" I raised my eyebrows.

The blonde took in a deep breath and and tilted her head back slightly before snapping her head back down to me. Her sky blue eyes stared deeply into my green ones.

"Was it good?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

Blood rushed to my cheeks and my face turned a very deep red.

"I-I.... ano.... I...." Nothing would come out of my mouth.

"Details! Sakura, I need details!" She groaned in frustration.

I smiled and pushed the swivel chair back to my desk where I was originally seated.

"Wait... Is that why you didn't get home until almost two in the morning?!" The blonde gasped dramatically and rolled around on the bed. "Omg! Did you put out on the first date?!"

"Ino!" I stood up and walked to my restroom. "Of course not."

She quickly followed me, leaving my bed a complete mess. I stood at the counter and grabbed my toothbrush.

"C'mon Sakura~" Ino leaned on my shoulder. "You have to tell me! It's not good to keep things in. You should get it off your chest....." she stopped herself before glancing at my flat chest. "If you had-"

"Don't." I snapped.

I put on the toothpaste and ran it under the light stream of the facet water.

"Gomen, but... It's the night after your date?! Why am I barely hearing about all of this?" The blonde crossed her arms and huffed.

"I wath thleeping all thay." I managed to get out with my foamy toothpaste mouth.

"That's no excuse! You should've told me as soon as you got home." Ino sighed and leaned against the doorway. "Why did you get home so late?"

I held up my finger so I could finish brushing my teeth and not talk with foam coming from my mouth. I rinsed and wiped my mouth, turning to go back into my bedroom with the blonde following close behind.

"I got home late because I was at the hospital." I sighed as I gathered the thrown pillows that were on the floor.

Ino gasped before running to me and wrapping me in a bone crushing hug.

"Sakura, are you okay?"

"It wasn't me, I'm completely fine." I wiggled out of her grasp and reached down for the comforter. "It was Sasuke-kun's brother.... Itachi." I bit my lip.


"Enough with the yelling, Ino!"

She sighed and tied up her long blonde hair into a ponytail before sitting on my swivel chair.

"Yes, Itachi. He got really sick last night and Sasuke-kun took me to the hospital with him. Mikoto-san and his father were there too." I said.

I folded the blankets and put everything back into its correct place on my bed. Ino nodded and slowly spun from side to side.

Annoying Employee •SasuSaku•Where stories live. Discover now