Annoying Employee [14]

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Sorry for the long shiteu chapeu 😅

Sakura's POV

Sunlight poured into the room, hitting me directly on my eyes. The bright light bled through the thin skin of my eyelids causing me to turn around.

I snuggled into the warmth of the person laying next to me. Their chest was broad and breathing steady. The person wrapped their arms around me and I did the same.

Idiot. Did you go to sleep with a person?

I suppose n-

My eyes snapped open revealing my Jade green orbs. I couldn't move because of their arms around me. I panicked.

Where was I?

The last thing I remember was falling asleep on the couch...

I looked up to the face of said person and all my nerves calmed. The one holding me was in fact my boyfriend of two weeks. He had changed from his white button up shirt and jeans into a black muscle shirt and, what felt like, sweats.

Biceps... Dear Kami-sama.

I wiggled a bit in his arms but his hold on me only tightened. I sighed in defeat and decided stay still and enjoy his warm embrace.

I felt safe and secure in his arms. Like nothing could get me, not even my sickness. Sasuke-kun's embrace seemed to be the most soothing thing to me. My head rested on his chest, listening to the sound of his steady heartbeat.

He shifted slightly and I tried to pull back but his grip tightened around me. Sasuke-kun rolled on his back, and surprisingly, pulled me with him.

I gasped silently as he pulled me closer to him, then on top of him. My body was now laid across Sasuke-kun's, my head on his chest and the rest of me... Well...

I blushed immensely and struggled to free myself. Not that I wasn't enjoying this but I mean he should at least be conscious when we cuddle.

He let out a groan and shifted again but only his legs so I didn't move much.

"S-Sasuke-kun...?" I murmured. No response. "Sasuke-kun?"

I wiggled and attempted to free myself yet again. He mumbled incoherent words in his sleep, which I found adorable, and small snore emitted from his throat.

A faint 'ma' was heard from his lips as he groaned in his sleep. I pouted and decided to try a different method of waking up.

I scooted upwards to where I was close to his face. I leaned as much as I could to his ear without being restricted. I inhaled and exhaled, thinking of what to say... Then it came to me.

"Sasuke-sama~," I purred in his ear. "Please wake up for me." I nuzzled his earlobe with my nose and blew warm air into his ear.

His eyes slowly opened, looking up at the ceiling. I put on a cheeky smile and rested my chin on his chest, waiting for him to look down at me.

Annoying Employee •SasuSaku•Where stories live. Discover now