Annoying Employee [10]

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Sasuke's POV

I watched the pinkette hold up a dress to her body while looking in the mirror and smiled slightly. She was so excited about the wedding tomorrow... but she still hadn't bought a dress. Baka.

And guess who got the honor of coming with her to dress shop?


Just my luck that Ino's boyfriend finally came from Amegakure today so she was spending the day with him.

"What about this one?" She turned around to face me.

I shook my head causing the pinkette to frown. She then sighed and grabbed a different dress and did the same thing.

"This one?"

"You can't wear white to a wedding, Sakura." I chuckled and stood up.

"It's so cute though." Sakura whined but threw it on the pile of other clothes.

"Why don't you wear the dress you wore when we went out on your birthday?" I asked and stood behind her.

"That's too casual, Sasuke-kun!" She huffed and grabbed another piece of clothing.

"I thought you looked nice." I mumbled and began to walk around in the aisles of unlimited dressed.

It looked like a unicorn threw up in here with all the colors and glitter. I stuffed my hands into my pockets and looked around, just stretching my legs.

Most of the women in this particular boutique were just staring at me. Every time I walked past they looked up from whatever they were doing just to stare.

Never seen a guy in a dress shop before?!

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura's high pitched voice shook me from my thoughts.

I turned and before I had a chance to respond, the pinkette and wrapped her arms around me. We were hugging. In public. Didn't really help my cause of not being stared at.

"Wh-what is it, Sakura?" I mumbled and tried to shrugged her off of me, trying to avert the loving eyes that were on us but failed.

"What color tie are you wearing?" She smiled and looked up at me with her big green eyes.

"Why does-?"

"Just answer it." She huffed.

"Orange. Why?" I quirked a brow.

"Well, we'll be matching. Hinata just called and her friend, Temari-san, had to cancel because her husband got sick and she won't be able to walk down the aisle with... You." Sakura finished with a proud smile at the end.

I opened my mouth to say something but then clamped it shut. Her green eyes sparked with excitement and her arms were still wrapped around my torso.

"C'mon, Sasuke-kun. We have to go to Hinata's and Naruto's place so she can take in the bridesmaid dress a little." Sakura pulled away and took my hand in hers.

It was going to be a long day.


"Sakura-chan, stay still!" Hinata scolded the pinkette from inside the room.

I rolled my onyx orbs in that direction but looked back at the TV. Naruto sat next to me and we just were sitting on his couch.

"So Shikamaru got sick?" I asked breaking the silence.

Annoying Employee •SasuSaku•Where stories live. Discover now