Annoying Employee [04]

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Sasuke's POV



"You wanna go there?"

"Oh I wanna go there."

"That was forever ago."

"But you promised."

"I was like six years old!"

"Ah yes, when you were nice."

I growled at my older brother. His face was smug and arms crossed over his chest.

"I'm not doing that, Itachi." I huffed and looked at him.

"But... But... Why won't you do the chicken dance?" He pouted ever so slightly.

"I'm 24 years old, don't you think I'm a little too old for that?" I stood up from the foot of the bed and walked to the table.

"One is never too old for the chicken dance." He replied with a matter-of-fact voice.

I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly. I poured the cool water into the cup then turned to face my brother.

His gaze was focused on the window, looking out into Konoha. I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Stay hydrated."

Itachi scoffed and took the cup from my hand. He took a drink and I sat next to him on the bed.

I enjoyed the time we spent together, even if it was just us breathing the same air. His presence calmed me enough.

"So what's up with you?" Itachi broke the silence.

I turned my attention to him and thought about recent events.

"You still haven't explained that bruise."

I chuckled slightly and my fingers grazed upon it. The pain was dull now and the bruise was still there but it was smaller now.
"Oh right..." I smiled slightly as I held the left side of my jaw.

"You look awfully fond of that bruise." Itachi muttered.

I glanced at him and smirked. I removed my hand from my jawline and turned to face him.

"I was punched by a girl that just happened to be my new employee." I stated plainly, this had already sunk in.

Itachi choked on his water and began to laugh. I rolled my onyx orbs and smirked.

"Well why did she punch you?" He managed to get out.

"Ano... It's an awkward situation." I made up an excuse not to tell.

"Life is an awkward situation, little brother." Was his smart ass reply. "Now tell me what you did to deserve that bruise."

I bit the inside of my bottom lip and hesitated to tell him the truth, it was a little embarrassing after all.

"Well..... I went to the park a--"

"Uchiha-san, it's time for your chemotherapy." A blonde nurse came in with a wheel chair.

I looked at Itachi and his smiled shrunk in size but it was still there.

"Maybe next time, Sasuke." He poked my forehead with his middle and index finger.

I groaned and he chuckled a bit. I stood from the bed and the nurse moved the wheelchair closer.

"You sound be getting to work now, wouldn't want you to be late on my account."

Annoying Employee •SasuSaku•Where stories live. Discover now