Annoying Employee [21]

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Normal POV

Sasuke rubbed his fiance's back as she threw up. The smell was stomach churning and he wondered how much such a small girl could produce.

Finally the sound of the toilet flushing was heard and the Haruno stood up. Her hands rested on her hips as she waddled over to the sink. The Uchiha wet a wash cloth with cold water before pressing it to her forehead.

"Sakura," he mumbled as she grabbed her toothbrush for the third time tonight. "If you're not feeling well by tomorrow, we can alwa-"


Her voice was weak yet firm. Sasuke understood that they had postponed their wedding twice and the days of her pregnancy were fading... But he didn't want her to hurt herself.

"I'll be fine, we're getting married tomorrow." Sakura said before she rinsed her mouth.

Sasuke looked at the two of them in the mirror and smiled slightly. "Baby, we don't need to be married."

She sighed. "I know but this is just something I want. Me in a dress and you in a tux." She turned and stuffed her hands in Sasuke's back pockets. "Plus your pants are gonna be tight and that's all that matters." Sakura smiled cheekily and leaned her head on his chest.

He scoffed before wrapping his arms around her waist. They remained like that, holding each other.

The doorbell rang and they both groaned in unison. Sakura held onto him as he walked and began to mess with his belt buckle but he quickly swatted away her fingers before opening the door.

A bright smiling Naruto stood with his wife and in their hands seemed to be food. "Konbawnwa!" The couple said before entering the house.

The Uchiha was confused before looking down at his fiance. "I forgot that I invited them to dinner." She sighed and released Sasuke.

"Konnichiwa, Naruto, Hinata." Sakura greeted them with friendly smile. Sasuke frowned as he threw away his prior plans for the evening.

"Gomen'nasai, today was really busy and I didn't have time to prepare anything for our side of dinner." Sakura bowed her head slightly in apology.

"It's okay, I think this will be enough for everyone." Hinata smiled and pointed to the tupperware containers.

Sakura nodded and looked up Sasuke. "Why don't you two go set up the place settings on the dining room table?"

"Hai." The Uchiha mumbled and turned to the dining room, Naruto following him.

Sasuke grabbed the plates from the cabinet and Naruto grabbed the cups. The blonde sighed contently but Sasuke appeared to be in a bit of a mood.

"What's wrong?" Naruto asked as he noticed his facial expression.

The Uchiha shook his head in a dismissive manner but Naruto asked again. This continued for many minutes as they placed the plates and cups and silverware on the table.

Sasuke finally gave in to his questioning and slammed the bowl onto the table.

"I'm just constantly worried about Sakura. Hinata is due next month and then the month after that it's Sakura. Sakura gets weaker everyday without her chemo but she refuses to take any kind of painkiller. I don't want anything to happen to her but I'm just so scared. So scared that one day I'll be at work and she'll just... Die."

The Uzumaki stood, frozen.

He had never heard Sasuke have such a serious yet fearful tone. Nor had Sasuke expressed his feelings so openly.

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