Annoying Employee [12]

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Sakura's POV

The Uchiha eyed me suspiciously and crossed his arms over his chest. Our eyes locked and I held my cards closer to my chest.

"One..." He mumbled. "Two..." I continued. "Three!" We shouted in unison and slammed the cards we were holding onto the table.

"Blackjack!" I squealed in delight and clapped my hands once I saw his 19 compared to my 21.

"Dammit, you win again." He sighed and grabbed the cards to shuffle them. He began to cough and grabbed a tissue, coughing up blood into it. I frowned and rubbed his back, trying to soothe the pain in his lungs.

"Itachi-kun," I murmured. "Are you okay?" A look of concern made its way onto my face while he regained his normal breathing. He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes for a brief moment as he calmed himself down.

"I'm fine, Sakura-chan." The ravenette smiled ever so slightly. "You should put away the cards." He suggested and leaned back into the hospital bed.

I nodded then gathered the blue printed playing cards into a neat stack and put them away in their cardboard box. I pushed the table away from the bed and into the corner.

I've been wanting to visit Itachi-kun and today was the perfect opportunity since Sasuke-kun sent me. He was planning to bring his brother some dumplings but his shift wasn't over yet (mine had just finished) and visiting hours at the hospital were almost over. It felt pretty good that Sasuke-kun trusted me with the responsibly of bringing dumplings to Itachi-kun.

It's been four days since the wedding so I guess you could say that me and Sasuke-kun might or might not be in the beginning stages of a real relationship.

"Sakura-chan," Itachi-kun called out, causing me to turn around. "You need to tell Sasuke."

The Uchiha's face was stern and eyes dark. My smile faded and the feeling of guilt recoiled in the center of my stomach.

"I know," I sighed. "but it's a little hard to tell him that I have the same freaking dieses as his brother!" I let out a frustrated groan and began to pace across the room.

"Hey, that's a lie and you know it!" Itachi-kun snapped. "I have chronic lymphocytic leukemia and you have chronic myeloid leukemia." He smiled proudly at his statement.

"I know, I know. It's the same but completely different." I sighed once again and continued my pacing. "But I just don't know when or how to tell him... Itachi-kun, I really like your brother and I don't want to hurt him."

"I know you do." Itachi-kun said plainly. His gaze never left me and he crossed his arms over his chest. "I knew two years ago that you guys would click."

This man...

"You sly little-"

"Uchiha-san, it's time for your chemotherapy." An orange haired nurse walked in with a wheelchair.

"What were you going to say?" The Uchiha asked with a coy smile. I growled at him and grabbed my coat and bag.

"Nothing," I walked up to him. "I'm going to pick up Sasuke-kun now, have fun in chemo." I said even though I knew it was no fun at all, going through the whole process myself.

"I'll try, and you try to tell him soon."

I nodded and waved at him while I walked out of the hospital room and into the hall. My small heels on my boots clicked on the marble surface of the hospital floor. The nurses smiled at me and I smiled back as I passed.

Annoying Employee •SasuSaku•Where stories live. Discover now