Annoying Employee [03]

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Sasuke's POV

I looked at the purple bruise on my jaw in disgust. It really wasn't that attractive and didn't suit the cafe job.

But with other events, today is Monday. New employee, what a way to welcome them to Konoha cafe. A big purple eyesore on my face, perfect.

Karin, surprisingly, had reported early to work these past two days. I don't know why but it's better than late.

The blue sky reflected on the clear glass windows of the small cafe. Only a few customers were scattered along the tables.

Naruto was mopping the ground from an earlier coffee incident and his fiancée was still pushing paper since I didn't want her to hurt herself even more. Karin was cleaning out the coffee machines.

I was just cleaning the front counter from the crumbs of pastries.

"When's this new girl supposed to get here?" Naruto asked, looking up from the mop.

"I dunno, Hatake-san just said--"

"I said what now?" A silver haired man entered the cafe. "What the hell happened to you?"
I realized he was looking at me and assumed he was talking about the giant bruise on my lower jaw.

"I got punched..." I muttered.

"By a girl! She knocked him on his ass!" Naruto blurted out and began to laugh.

I shushed him and motioned to the customers in the cafe. The silver haired man chuckled slightly at his actions.

"Kakaski-san." Hinata limped out from the back with a smile.

"Hinata-chan, what happened to you?" He looked at her bandaged ankle. "Naruto didn't try anything new, did he?"

I choked back a laugh and Hinata froze, her face redder than the best tomato ever. Naruto's face grew red as well and Kakaski laughed jokingly.

"Don't wanna hear about my cousin doing that!" Karin childishly covered her ears and stomped to the back.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at Kakaski who was still laughing at his own joke. He looked at Hinata who continued to blush profusely.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!.... Unless it was true...?"

"A-ano.... No! I-I fell here a-at work!" She defended her self.

I suddenly felt a bit sorry for them and decided to change the subject for the couple's sanity.

"Alright, alright. Calm down, Hatake-san?"

The silver haired man coughed a bit before looking at me with his narrow, charcoal black eyes.


"About that new employee...?" I didn't want to push too much.

Kakaski clapped his hands together and smiled. Without saying another word he took out a small piece of metal from his pocket and walked to the back.

I followed, curious, and saw him take the plain black apron from the shelf and walk back to the front counter. He was acting rather strange but I continued to watch.

Kakaski took off the two guards and stabbed the two tacks on the back of the metal plate through the top of the apron in the center.

It was colored pink and littered with flower print with a name etched in big bold, white letters.

"Sakura?" I read the name.

"Hai." The masked man nodded.

"Why didn't we get to personalise our name tags?" Karin peeked over my shoulder to see.

Annoying Employee •SasuSaku•Where stories live. Discover now