Annoying Employee [24-Final]

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-i'm so sorry that this turned out rly rushed and hopefully you'll still enjoy <3

Normal POV

The couple paced across their living room, each with a baby. Sasuke wasn't here to pick up his daughter.

"Hinata, it's been 4 days. Shouldn't we call the police or something?" The blonde said while looking down at the little girl.

"Just give him some time, Naruto-kun." She mumbled."I'm sure he's just taking some time for himself. Sakura has been unconscious for three weeks already, he's probably so worried."

The male huffed at his wife. He felt like Sasuke had abandoned his child but he knew that his friend deserved a little credit.

Naruto continued to rock his so-called niece back and forth. He smiled down at her and then smiled at his wife and son.

Sakura had 9 more days, according to her will, to wake up before Sasuke was forced to pull the plug.

"Can you believe Sarada is almost a month already?" The bluenette murmured softly, both of the babies sleeping. "And Boruto will be two months tomorrow." She said.

"I know," Naruto sat down. "It seems like yesterday that you told me you were pregnant in the cafe." He chuckled.

The doorbell rang moments after and Naruto groaned as he stood back up. He made his way to their front door with the youngest Uchiha. Soon he opened it and made a sour expression at the male in front of him.

"Sarada!" He exclaimed and scooped up the infant from Naruto's arms with ease. "Papa missed you." The raven haired man murmured softly.

Sasuke took off his shoes before properly entering the house. "Has she been okay?" He asked Naruto as they walked to the living area.

"Well you'd know if you had cared to come back." The blonde remarked.

The Uchiha stopped in his tracks, with the now awake baby, in his arms and turned to face his friend.

"Look," he started. "I needed some time, I just needed to think. I wanted to be alone for a damn minute."

"You should've said that when you dropped her off for a couple of hours." Naruto spat coldly, still upset at Sasuke.

"Just drop it, okay? I came back for her that's what matters." Sasuke said and held his daughter tightly.

The duo made their way to where Hinata was resting her eyes with Boruto in her arms. She awoke at the sound of footsteps and smiled when she saw their guest.

"Sasuke-kun," Hinata greeted. "Glad you came back."

He nodded at her with a smile then moved Sarada to his chest so he could look down at her. The Uchiha scanned over her for any sign of discomfort or pain or injury. Although she was fine.

"Was she any trouble?" Sasuke asked as he slowly tore his eyes away from his beautiful child.

"Not really, Boruto is more to handle so she wasn't a big adjustment." Hinata mumbled as she moved Boruto to her other side.

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