Annoying Employee [11]

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Sasuke's POV

The night wind blew through my hair and lifted my tie in the air. My eyesight trailed over to the couple slow dancing in the light breeze.

The bride had taken her hair down by now and the curls cascaded down her back. I smiled and walked along the grass. Some guests had left since it was already late into the night but most of our friends had stayed. Minato-san and Kushina-san were also dancing, as well as the rest of the bridal party. Well not me and Sakura, I don't really dance much.

The music was soft and quiet and made me smile slightly. I sat down with my cup in hand and closed my eyes. It felt nice outside but also kinda made me drowsy.

"Well this was some party."

I opened my eyes and turned my head. Next to me sat a blonde, Ino. She was invited since Hinata is just so nice, as well as Sai.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"All of your friends are really nice, I see Sakura has made friends with quite a few." Ino said with a smile. She crossed her legs and pushed her hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, they all seem to have bonded." I turned back and scanned the area for her pink hair.

"She's my best friend, my rock." The blonde mumbled. "If you hurt her," I turned to Ino and the look on her face was dead serious. "I'll kill you."

I rose an eyebrow at her and then let out a slow chuckle. "What makes you think I will?"

"There are just some things that are hard to explain, and she was hurt because of them." Ino explained. I nodded slowly and jumped slightly when I felt a finger tap my shoulder.

"Here," The pink haired female handed me a plate of food.

"Where have you been?" I asked once she sat next to me and set her own plate of food in front of her.

"Mingling." Sakura said. "Oh Ino, did you want a plate too?" Her Jade green eyes widened slightly once she saw her blonde friend.

"If you don't mind..." The blue eyed female smiled sheepishly.

Sakura nodded with a smile and she stood up once again and walked to the open buffet of finger foods. Suddenly, the blonde sitting across from me started to laugh.

"Nani?" I questioned.

"Look at your body, It's facing towards me." I looked down at my body and sure enough, it was facing Ino. "Now look at your feet, they're pointing in her direction."

I didn't really understand her point and began to question her sanity.


"Oh, it's just that..." A coy smile made its way onto her red lipstick stained lips. "Men usually point their feet in the direction they want to go in."

I narrowed my eyes at her and looked down at my body once again. She was right on some level, but not necessarily in the way she's thinking. Getting slightly uncomfortable, I decided to change the topic of our conversation.

"Since Naruto and Hinata are going be to be away for two weeks on their honeymoon, I need at least one temporary employee." I said. Why not offer Ino a job?

"Okay, why are you- ooohhhhh. You want me to work at the cafe?" She smiled and I nodded. "Great! It'll bring a small amount of extra money in."

"What will?" Sakura asked once she sat down.

"Sasuke-san offered me the temp job while the newly weds are off on their honeymoon."

I turned my attention to the pinkette sitting besides me. She smiled once she turned to me and nudged my shoulder.

Annoying Employee •SasuSaku•Where stories live. Discover now