Chapter 1: Dirty Dreams

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Jay and Nathan are watching an action film together, eating popcorn off a bowl, when suddenly, Nathan turns to Jay. He examines his face, slowly trailing down to his body. Jay notices, turning back to Nathan. Nathan gazes into Jay's eyes, biting his bottom lip. Jay awkwardly gulps, realizing Nathan's intentions. He isn't sure if Nathan is just playing around or he actually means what he's doing. Nathan scoots closer to Jay, ending up on top of his legs.

"W-what are you doing?..." Jay asks, his voice trailing off as Nathan's lips hammered right into Jay's.

Jay doesn't know how to react but decides to kiss Nathan back, enjoying as their lips continued pressing against one another. Nathan pulls back, a devilish smile on his face.

"Let's have some fun babe..." Nathan seductively whispers into Jay's ear as he began unbuttoning his shirt.


Jay rumbles on the bed as he woke up, his body sweating all over. He nervously looks around, hoping Nathan didn't hear him mumbling his name in his sleep. After noticing he was alone in his room, he lets out a sigh if relief. Yet again, he had dreamt dirtily of Nathan. Jay figured, since the dreams have happened so much more frequent, it must mean he may have some feelings for Nathan. He's never felt anything for other guys, which makes him wonder what makes Nathan stand out. An image of Nathan back on their first ever gig pops in his head. He tries comparing the younger, fetus version of Nathan to the now 20 year old man. He definitely likes the new Nathan a lot better. He found himself straying his thoughts to that of Nathan's gorgeous, emerald eyes. Captivated, Jay bites his bottom lip while smiling, looking like a young girl thinking about her favorite idol.

After what felt like hours of fantasizing about Nathan, Jay gets up from his covers. He makes the bed and gets to his closet, picking out a random set of clothes and heading towards the restroom. After a quick shower, he got out and went to his room again. He glanced at the clock and realised it was 5 PM.

"SHIT! Where did the day go?!" Jay screams out to himself, making his head pulse once again.

He had completely forgotten about his headache.

"Fuck!" Jay cursed again, rubbing the side of his head.

Suddenly, the door slams open, laughter filling the room.

"You should've seen yourself last night Bird!" Tom told Jay, laughing uncontrollably. In his hands was his phone, making Jay blush at the thought of all the pics they could have taken of him when he was drunk.

"It was quite funny! You went out skinny dipping in front of all the girls! Don't worry, we took some pics of ya. Don't be surprised if one of them ends up online!" Max teased Jay, laughing along with Tom.

"Give me that!" Jay frustratedly told Tom as he reached for his phone.

Jay looks through Tom's pictures, only to see his naked body swimming on the pool. Jay felt his cheeks flush even redder. He'd been known to do crazy stunts when drunk but it had never led to showing his nude bits to the world! Jay rapidly starts erasing all the images before Tom could snatch his phone back, only to stop at Max's loud laugh.

"That's no use Jay. I saved all the pics to my phone! May give me something to wank for!" Max responded, winking at Jay.

Jay felt a combination of complete madness and humiliation. A random thought of Max wanking made Jay go hard, making him feel unease with both the boys in the room.

"What the...?! LOOK MAX! JAY'S GOT A BONER!" Tom screamed out to Max, going into hysterics.

"YOU DIRTY SOD! " Max told Jay, his laugher making him go down on his knees.

"AHH!" Jay screamed frustratedly, shutting the door right in front of them.

Jay could hear Tom and Max teasing him behind the door but he ignored them. He heard other footsteps and Siva's voice coming from outside the room.

"What's so funny?" Jay heard Siva ask, making him bury his head in his knees.

As Tom and Max explained what was happening and showed Siva the pictures, Siva burst out laughing along with both of them. Jay started crying. The man's 23 and over 6 feet with a well built body, but he still has the same chicken heart of a 5 year old. He's learnt to not show his feelings out a lot since his entire childhood he got made fun of because of it, but he couldn't help it this time. Jay's sobbing in the corner of his room, feeling quite down, when he heard Nathan's voice approach from out the door. That's it, Jay thought. My life is over.

"Hey, where's Jay? I wanted to talk to him." Nathan asked the boys, sounding quite enthusiastic.

"He's locked up in his room. He got mad 'cause we showed him the pics!" Max explained, giggling still.

"I told you to erase them! Don't make fun of my Bird. Move aside," Nathan ordered them all, standing in front of Jay's door.

"Aww! Whatcha gonna do, huh? Probably make out with Jay, right?!" Tom teased Nathan, making him blush brightly.

"YOU... Stop talking rubbish Tom. I happen to care for him unlike other people." Nathan defended himself.

"Oh don't act innocent! You get all touchy when it comes with Jay. You have feelings for him! Don't worry, we'll keep your secret mate!" Tom tried sounding cheery, but got to Nathan's last nerve.

"CAN YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'm NOT gay! Now just leave me alone!" Nathan screamed, his eyes watering.

He walked past the boys and into his room, trying best to hold in his tears.

"Oh come on mate! Don't tease him that far. He's very sentimental!" Siva got after Tom, leaving him frowning.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll apologize later. I didn't actually mean that stuff!" Tom said, smiling.

"Good. Now Max, I think you should delete the pics. They're quite funny but they're hurtful." Siva instructed Max, making sure he was loud enough for Jay to hear.

"Just text them to me later!" He whispered to Max's ear, smirking.

Max laughed as they all left down the hall, heading downstairs.

Author's Note:

This is the first ever fanfic I'm writing these down! :S But I'd really like to get more reads on this one so!!! :p So far I have like 13 long chapters done so all I need is you guys to support me on it!!! This entire story makes me blush hardcore idk it's just a Fanboy thing I guess x) So please help me!! Write a comment or something it'd mean the world!! Thanks!! :) xxxx

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