Chapter 38: Hurt

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Jay and Nathan left the next day to Gloucester, where Jay met Nathan's parents and his sister. They were happy for Nathan finally finding his other half, giving him an old family heirloom he was meant to give to his wife. He laughed when Jay tried it on, hugging him tightly. Tom asked them when their bachelor's party would be, and they scheduled it a day before their wedding. Siva said he organized something special so it could satisfy both their needs, making Jay's curiosity turn on. It was only two days until the wedding when things started getting a bit out of control.

Jay laid on Tom's bed in his flat while Nathan had gone out to order another wedding cake, since the last one got eaten by Max. He was beginning to fall asleep after a few restless days when Tom entered the room, jumping to the bed. He landed on his side, right next to Jay.

"Hey mate." Tom said, his small brown eyes popping out.

"Hi. How's it been?" Jay awkwardly asked, rubbing his eyes to wake himself up.

"Well the cake was delicious. Max and I kinda both ate it..." Tom confessed, giving Jay a big, cheesy smile.

"I knew it! You better pay along with Max for the next one." Jay said.

"Yeah, yeah. Now, since we're alone, we should maybe shag each other and fall asleep. They'll find us and they'll laugh at the sight we'll give them!" Tom suggested.

"No, they'll be shocked and Nathan will dump me. I'm not that stupid. And both of us know you have absolutely no interest on me." Jay said.

"Well... I may have kept some feelings for you. Maybe I could be the last person you do it with before you marry Nath. It won't be considered cheating, would it? Just a guy taking advantage of the last days he walks on this Earth as a free man." Tom explained, trying to convince him.

"We can't. I wanna go to sleep if you don't mind." Jay said, turning his back on him.

"Wimp. You could die any time soon yet you choose to play it safe."

"Leave me alone! I choose what I want."

"So you don't want me? Remember our kiss Jay... Don't you wanna continue where he had left off?" Tom asked.

"NO! Go do Max or something. It is clear you two fit like two peas in a pod." Jay said.

"Max is a fucking idiot. He's gone straight. I think he's got his eyes on someone already. If I know him well, he'll get her pretty soon."

"Well you don't know him at all then. Talk with him. Maybe you could figure something out. The world is filled with possibilities." Jay told Tom.

"We'll see." Tom said, leaving Jay.

Jay slumped on one of the pillows, unsure whether he did the right thing. I'll always love you Parker...

• • •

"Are you sure everything's ready?" Jay asked.

"Yep! Cake should be here by tomorrow. Max paid for it." Nathan said.

"And we're alone?"

"Yeah. They all left already."

"So we can do... Anything we want right now?" Jay asked, a grin forming on his face.

"Pretty much, yeah. You aren't have dirty thoughts are you Jay?" Nathan asked innocently, wanting to be tougher on him than before.

"Oh. Well we can just watch a film or something. I don't mi-"

"I was just kidding babe." Nathan whispered on Jay's ear, their bodies inappropriately close if they weren't together.

"Nath... I-I think we ran out of protection..." Jay said as Nathan lead his lips down his body.

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