Chapter 3: I Love You

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Jay and Nathan spent the night together cuddling. For Nathan, it felt real nice to bond more Jay. For Jay, it was certainly heaven. But Nathan didn't enjoy the kiss they had shared. He only kissed Jay's neck to make him feel better but once he got kissed on the lips, he was ready to throw a fit. But he knew how Jay was feeling. And the kiss cannot be undone. Could not be taken back. But it can be forgotten. So Nathan pretended to actually like whatever Jay did to him. Even though, as hard as it was to deny it, it really felt nice when they were cuddling. Nathan just hoped Jay wouldn't do such a thing again, for he would then tell him to stop. All he wants is to be best friends with him. No more. No less.

Nathan opens his eyes squinting, trying to adjust to the light coming from the window. He turns around to his right to see Jay snoring, snuggling his arm. Nathan made a disgusted face as he felt all of Jay's drool lower down to his hand. Softly and gently, he took his arm off Jay. He sighs of relief as he did the job pretty well. He slides his body down the bed, about to get up, when something told him to stay for a little bit longer. He looked back at Jay, his best mate. Jay's helpless body is swirling constantly, his snores filling the room. Nathan examined his small, growing beard, the little bald spot amusing him. He looked up at his closed eyes, the bags under them showing how weary and tired he was. Jay's so adorable, Nathan thought. He smiled to himself, finally getting up from the bed. He picked his clothes and headed to the shower.

He came out of the restroom, fully clean. He went back to his room to see Jay still sleeping. Shaking his head, he laughed. It was 1:30 in the afternoon and Jay was still in bed. Classic Jay. He reached down and put on his converse, but stopped once hearing something loud fall. Scared, he turned to Jay, only to see him rolling on the floor. His eyes were wide open, his body shaking. Jay laid there startled, half-asleep.

"Ha! You fell down the bed!" Nathan teased him, laughing.

Jay looked up at Nathan, blushing.

"Oh shut up and help me get up..." Jay pleaded, struggling to get himself up.

Nathan hurried to Jay, grabbing his hand. He pulled, groaning.

"Shit Jay! You have to lay off the fries!" Nathan teased Jay again.

"Shut the hell up Nath! I for one don't eat greasy ribs and slobber on my shirt." Jay defended himself, smirking.

"So you're saying I have slobbering problems?! You happen to drool as much as a dog with rabies in your sleep!" Nathan said back, throwing his hand into Jay.

Jay blushed, not knowing he drooled in his sleep. He sat down on the bed, trying to hold in his tears. You have GOT to be kidding! Nathan thought. He sat next to Jay and held his hand.

"Don't cry. I'm sorry, alright?" Nathan apologized with an annoyed tone.

"You called me fat AND a dog!" Jay said through his tears, sniffling.

"Might as well be my bitch then!" Nathan joked, winking.

Jay blushed, wiping his tears away.

"Shut up you..." Jay told Nathan, nudging his arm and laughing.

Nathan laughed back, tightening the grip on Jay's hand. He loved making Jay smile. He felt so useless when Jay was sad, which was pretty much most of the time lately. He's become quite sentimental and Nathan doesn't know why.

Meanwhile, Jay's sweating buckets and can't find a way to settle his blushing cheeks. Nathan was holding his hand and he just called him his bitch. If it were a month ago, Jay would be continuing the conversation by saying back dirty remarks, but it's not. Now, Jay likes Nathan and he gets shy whenever he's with him. All he hopes for is Nathan won't find anything odd going on with him.

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