Chapter 27: New Love

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"Here comes the plane!" Nathan said, putting the spoonful of oatmeal in Jay's mouth.

Jay moaned, kinda liking the baby talk from Nathan. It was hard to eat, but Nathan really helped him.

"One more!" Nathan said, a big smile forming on his face when Jay happily ate it.

"Wow. You finished the whole bowl! I'm proud."

"Yeah, yeah. Now give me the special surprise you promised!" Jay said impatiently.

Nathan smirked, getting up from the seat.

"Take off all your clothes." Nathan ordered.

Jay blushed at how up-to-the-point Nathan was suddenly being. He did as told, starting with his shirt.

"Aren't you gonna do it too?" Jay asked, halfway done.

"Nope. Not yet." Nathan explained.

Jay grunted, standing fully naked in front of Nathan.

Nathan inspected Jay's body. He could see the outline of his ribs perfectly. His thighs had decreased in size drastically. This was not the Jay Nathan knew. It was not the one he wanted either. He wanted a soft, mushy cuddle buddy, not a skeleton.

"How much have you lost? One? Two stones?" Nathan asked, grabbing his hair nervously.

Jay shook his head.

"About three."

"Gosh Jay... You were perfectly skinny before! Now you're all..."

"All bones? You're disgusted by me, aren't you? Just because I lost a little weight..."

"FORTY FREAKING POUNDS! It's a miracle you can even stand! Have you felt weak? Is that why fell on Tom?! Damn it Jay..."

Jay stayed silent, not wanting to admit it. Nathan threw his arms out to the air, turning around.

"You're vegetarian! Meaning you don't have the sufficient nutrients that come from meat in your body if you ever get real sick!"

"I take pills..."

"And have they worked for you?! Getting dizzy isn't normal!"

"Look, if you're going to be like this about the situation then please don't help me! It was you who caused it in the first place!"

"Just HOW the hell was this my fault?!"

"You had told me I eat a lot!"

"For fuck sakes Jay! I need to get you to a doctor."

"So now I'm mental?!"

"STOP TAKING EVERYTHING THE WRONG FUCKING WAY! I'M BLOODY TIRED OF IT!" Nathan shouted, his angered eyes looking at Jay's.

Jay's lips began quivering but he stayed strong enough to not cry. He was not going to get yelled at once again for being a crybaby.

"I'll get through this my own way. I don't need anyone looking out for me. I'll schedule a doctor's appointment right now." Jay said, leaving Nathan.

"No, wait. Let me go with you." Nathan told Jay, holding on to his arm.

"I can do it myself." Jay said, getting off Nathan's grip.

• • •

"Tomorrow it is." Jay told the lady on the phone before hanging up.

He smiled to himself. He felt better knowing he could actually get back up on his feet soon. He had grown tired of the dizzy spells and constant stomach pains.

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