Chapter 46: Wake Up

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"It's been months. The band is seriously not the same anymore. We've lost half of our fans thanks to the accident. He'll never wake up Seev." Jay told Siva, crying again.

"He was only put in a coma, meaning he can regain consciousness at any given time. Stop worrying about him so much. He isn't anything to us. We're only best friends and band mates. Be glad he isn't anyone like your brother or a deeply loved person." Siva said.

"You're right, but I still care for him. He's the BEST guy I've come to meet and I wish there was some way to make him all better again." Jay told Siva.

"You've taken this REALLY hard Jay... Not even his parents nor his sister put much weight on this situation anymore. Why is he such an interest to you?" Siva said, curious.

"I-I don't know... He just made me feel... Like I actually belonged in this world. I've never had friends before, Seev. I've had companions but never friends. I've always been bullied and I deeply hated my existence until I met him when the band started. I have just never felt this kind of connection with anybody else but him." Jay explained, slumping down on his chair.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not gay. I don't like him. It's different from that. Besides, it's my fault he is how he is." He added, once seeing a strange look on Siva's face.

"I completely get it. Stop blaming yourself. The doctors did all they could. We're just hoping he'll come back up soon. Think of it this way, every day in your life you're one day closer to talking to him again." Siva told Jay, smiling at him.

Jay nodded, smiling back. He got up and hugged Siva, taking off the tears from his cheeks with his hand.

"I shall await that day." Jay said, leaving Siva's room.

Ever since that horseback incident, Nathan's been in a coma. It's been a couple of months and day by day Jay feels more desperate. He thinks it's his fault the whole thing happened in the first place, just because he was the one who convinced Nathan to ride the horses with him. There's a guilt on the pit of his stomach that's been resting there for too long and all he hopes for is for Nathan to be well again. There are times when he's sitting next to Nathan on the hospital bed and he sees Nathan twitch or move his hand. But since the doctors say it's practically impossible for him to do that in the state he's in, he figures it's his mind playing tricks on him. At random nights he wakes up sweating and screaming, remembering the entire event perfectly. Not only was Nathan's life dented that day, but so was Jay's.

"JAY!" Siva yelled, rushing to Jay's room.

"Yeah?" Jay asked, knowing not to get his hopes up by thinking it was anything related to Nathan.

"HIS SISTER CALLED! NATHAN WOKE UP!" Siva told Jay, hugging him.

For the first time in over a year, happy tears came down from Jay's eyes. He hugged Siva back, his whole body frozen at the sudden impacting news.

"LET'S GO!" Siva said, running to his room to get his jacket. Jay did the same, his hands shaking at how jittery his body had gotten. They left to the hospital in hopes of finally seeing Nathan.

• • •

Jay and Siva got to the hospital, running down the familiar hallway leading to Nathan's room. Standing outside were Tom and Max, giving them hugs as they go closer to them.

"He's awake?" Siva asked.

"Yeah, you should go see him. Only three people at a time though. His mom and sister are there." Max said.

Jay had a sad look on his face, wanting to see Nathan really badly.

"You go, Jay. I'll go later." Siva told Jay, smiling.

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