Part 24

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It was the middle of the night when Bailey awoke. She was back in her human form and both Elijah and Indi were gone. She stood up and grabbed Elijahs shirt which he had put on the chair beside their bed. She threw it over her head and jumped into some joggers and boots. Bailey opened the bedroom door and peaked out. The hallway lights were always kept on but tonight they were off.

Bailey however didn't acknowledge this, her only thought was to where her mate could have gone and why he took Indi with him. Their room was on the first floor and it had a clock at the end of the hallway. Bailey checked the time, 2.14am. She walked down stairs following Elijahs scent through the dark. The lights downstairs were also off.

Elijahs scent grew stronger by the kitchen door, Bailey now very curious opened the door it creaked slightly when she slipped inside. Stood in front of her was Elijah, he was dressed in hoodie and tack suit bottoms but he had sarcastically put a bow tie on and he was standing with Indi in one hand and a ring in the other.

"What is this?" Bailey asked giggling she walked towards Elijah through the rose petal path he'd put down. Elijah smiled gooofyly at his mate. "Come on Eli what is this" Bailey laughed again she couldn't stop smiling. Elijah stepped forward handing her Indi.

"read her blanket" Elijah smiled but Bailey could tell he was nervous. The blanket read

'Daddy wants to know, if you will be his wife'

When Bailey looker back at her mate he was on one knee with the most beautiful ring she had ever seen, it was silver and covered in small diamonds with a slightly bigger diamond encrusted on top.

"Bailey Sanders, my one true love, my mate, the best mother to our baby Indi, I have wanted to do this since the day I found out you were my mate but it felt wrong to do something so happy after your dad... "

Bailey began to tear up. She wasn't one for crying but seeing her mate on one knee made her want to cry till the world ended.

"And I know he would be so proud of you if he were here today and so would your mom, but I know they're watching over us and Indi and I bet they couldn't be happier, so onto the big question"

He took a deep breath

"Bailey Sanders, will you marry me?"

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