Part 31

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Bailey and the wolf moved into the hallway, the same hallway Bailey had walked up when she first got hear. She backed up past the old grand clock and towards the old fake pot plant. The wolf growled, it was clear he was an alpha by his stance and the alpha mark on his front paw. He stared at Bailey then charged. The hall wasn't very big, but it gave the wolf enough room to charge. He slammed into Bailey and knocked her over onto her side. She whined, but she wasn't going down that easily. Bailey jumped back up feeling only a little sore from the blow, this time she went on the attack.

Bailey ran at the wolf jaw open and bit into his shoulder, tearing a piece off. She clung on as the wolf span and nipped at her side until she was finally thrown off. Bailey didn't waste any time. She threw herself back at the wolf and he smashed into the old clock, smashing the bottom, it looked up as the remains of the clock came tumbling down on him. Bailey grabbed the wolfs leg and began to pull, she was about to dislocate its hip when she felt something slam into her side. It was another rogue, a female, smaller than her alpha presumably his mate.

Bailey smiled a wolfy smile at the pair. They thought they were going to win this fight now and they were probably right , Baileys body was on fire and it was getting worse, she called out to Elijah but got nothing back, she was beginning to worry. Bailey kept fighting but the pain got worse and although she wasn't sustaining awful injuries she was in too much pain.

The wolves began another charge at Bailey and just when she felt too weak to fight anymore Tom, Sebastian and Elijah appeared. The growled at the rogues and attacked before they could get to Bailey. Elijah ran over to his mate and licked her wounds reassuringly.

I need you to shift

Bailey barely heard Elijah over the mind link but she did as she was told. Elijah shifted back and stood over the top of his mate. Bailey could barely see him. Her vision was blurry and the pain was all she could feel now.

"I'm really sorry my love but this is going to hurt"

Bailey just managed to make out his canines as her mate bit into her neck

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