Part 25

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"yes, yes, yes! One million times yes!" Bailey jumped up and down in delight kissing her mate with everything she had. She loved him so much, it felt like every cell in her body needed his presence. Indi, scared by the sudden motion began to cry. "oh darling I'm sorry" Bailey shushed rocking her baby softly. She smiled at Elijah before kissing him again and heading back upstairs hand in hand.

The next day Bailey decided to go on the morning patrol. She wasn't hungry after the excitement of last night. Indi had been left with Elijahs mother Anna and some of the other high ranking females, whilst Elijah handed out blankets and helped cook breakfast. Bailey shifted enjoying the feeling the cool breeze left against her thick fur, she walked around the borders of her packs territory with the new Beta Tom (who was previously gamma of the pack). Bailey marked the territory line with the packs symbol as well as her scent.

As she was reaching the end of her patrol she spotted a small green patch amongst the mass of snow. Grass. At last the torture was finally coming to an end and the pack would be able to return to their own homes.

On her way back Bailey passed the sad cottages. The windows were boarded up, pack members attempts to protect the inside of their homes. She circled around some of the villages on the territory, checking for any prey or signs of life. Just as Bailey was about to leave she caught a nasty scent in the wind, rouges. From what she could smell they were 4 or 5 miles away from the furthest border.

Do you smell that Luna?

Tom asked over the mind link. His large black wolf seemed uneasy as it paced around the village

Yes, head back to the house and alert the guard, I want them on the West border, patrols day and night. And could you please ask Elijah and Seb to join me out here

Bailey watched Tom run off towards the house and felt his link growing weaker. Rouges were headed to her territory and she was prepared to defend it with her life

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