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This is going to be in my boy Bucky's POV!

[why is steve sad]

Scary Woman added Bird Brain to the chat!
Scary Woman added Falc Yeah to the chat!
Scary Woman added you to the chat!

Scary Woman
y is my smol bean steve upset pls explain

Bird Brain
what is a 'smol bean'

I didn't mean to offend him. I thought he took it
as a joke.

Scary Woman
wow it must be serious when you're typing in
proper grammar.

Falc Yeah
tbh idk what happened but yall explain

I told him he was kind of annoying and that he should
get in with the times.

Bird Brain
you were harsh man

Falc Yeah
way to be a dbag barnes

Scary Woman
just bc u know much more about him in terms of tech
doesnt mean u can talk shit about him

I know.

Bird Brain
have you said sorry to him?

Yeah. On Instagram.

Falc Yeah
dumbass move since it needs to private

Scary Woman
wyd you havent texted him??

No. I'm afraid he might block me.

Bird Brain
we have tony for that to unblock you in case that happens

SiGHS. This friendship needs to be salvaged.

Falc Yeah
ofc it does hoe u guys lasted for a hundred years

Falc Yeah
that kind of friendship never dies tbh

Scary Woman
sam is right barnes

Bird Brain
when sam's grammar sucks but he makes sense

Okay. Let me text him.
[read 12:45pm by Scary Woman and 2 others]

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