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In which Steven Grant Rogers wanders through the ever evolving path of technology.
[May 3, 2016 - June 24, 2016]
#27 in Fanfiction [13.06.16]
#131 in Fanfiction [04.06.16]
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steverogers: I bought a new camera! On my way to Central Park to test my photography skills. 😎 318.3k likes 100k comments
iamironman did you buy this?? why didnt you tell me i could offer you so much better ffs
natashakickass what photography skills you mean your shaky selfie photo
yoitsfalcon natashakickass we r on a mission woman plz
steverogers natashakickass yoitsfalcon where's Bucky? iamironman don't worry, Tony. I can manage to buy some stuff on my own. 😊
thewintersoldier Missed you too, Punk. Do you even know how to use that?
steverogers thewintersoldier BUCKY!!!! Yes, I watched on YouTube. It's amazing when people do review videos to help others. Also, please come home! ❤️
buckyfuckinbarnes yoitsfalcon wru its happening
yoitsfalcon buckyfuckinbarnes bz kickin asS BUT STUCKY
iamironman siGHS brooklyn lovers
steverogers thewintersoldier please come home safe! 😊
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steverogers: First time taking a photo with the use of my new camera! Is it nice? 391.3k likes 292k comments
thewintersoldier it's nice but you're more nice
yoitsfalcon damn ur bike s on point 💯👌🏼 n sTUCKY WTf
iamironman son please come down dinner is ready
steverogers thewintersoldier no, you're more nice. yoitsfalcon on point?? iamironman coming, father.
bikes4lyf nice one bro
thewintersoldier steverogers we're coming home in a few hours
steverogers thewintersoldier finally I can hug you in peace.