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[Buckaroo 💕]


Buckaroo 💕
yes stevie

Why is everyone going out

Buckaroo 💕
tbh idk but i think somehow
they have their own agendas

Well, the tower is all to ourselves.

Buckaroo 💕
i know right?? so what do ya wanna
do tomorrow?

Watch Supernatural and listen to
Views all day, to be honest.

Buckaroo 💕
and i thought we're done w drake
and dean

There is no such thing as being done
with Drake and Dean!

Buckaroo 💕

Buckaroo 💕
ill try to listen to views since i dont
wanna sit there while look at you
jamming and singing

That's nice. Listen to One Dance
'cause it's a nice song.

Buckaroo 💕
sure stevie

Buckaroo 💕
but how about we go eat outside
tomorrow and go to the amusement
park or something??

Buckaroo 💕
you can go take pictures

Really? That is the best date ever!

I mean, the best hang out ever, sorry.

Buckaroo 💕
you know.. it could be like a date if
you want to..

Buckaroo 💕
im not forcing you!! i mean if you want
to just like hanging out two old friends
in an amusement park..

It's a date. 😊

Buckaroo 💕

Buckaroo 💕
i mean yeah cool what time tomorrow?

Around lunch so we can eat, go drive
somewhere, then the amusement

Buckaroo 💕
sounds lovely, steve.

Anything is lovely when you're included
to be honest.

Buckaroo 💕
are you trying to flirt with me?

No, I was just saying the truth.

Buckaroo 💕
well, see you tomorrow 😊

Buckaroo 💕
Pick you up around 12, Cap.

See ya, soldier. 😊
[read 5:59pm]

ive wanted this to happen for so long i am deceased
++ wait until bucky tells sam about this

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