[where is my Bucky]You added Romanova to the chat!
You added Sam the Falcon to the chat!Where is my Bucky?
Sam the Falcon
oH MY GODSam the Falcon
i mean ur bucky s sleepinSo that's why he wasn't answering my texts. 😤
youre so unusually clingy with bucky these
days son whats wrongDon't call me your son, please.
I don't know, I just miss him a lot I guess.
Sam the Falcon
bullshitSam the Falcon
oopz wut i meant wuz bullsheepSam the Falcon
crossbreed of a bull ND a sheepSam, just don't.
im surprised u know how to make a gcI had to search the internet 'cause Tony's
sleeping.What time is it there?
Sam the Falcon
s liek 3 n d goddamn morning but were aliveOf course you guys are alive.
I just want to share the fact that I want to
buy a camera.And I miss Bucky, like a lot.
u could buy those beginner dslr's from canonWhat is a DSLR and a Canon? Isn't a canon, like,
a rule?Sam the Falcon
nat explain deez to him im guna make coffeeRomanova
ok a dslr is a professional camera.. kind of..
those are the types of cameras that professionals
or people who want to learn abt photography
use anyone can use them but dont buy a camera
u cant use like some have diff specsRomanova
its definitely better than ur usual digicam. u should
search on canon's website they have sections on
whether this camera is for beginners or notSo I should search for a beginner's camera?
yesSam the Falcon
ok im back whats upSam the Falcon
oooo s cap goin to buy a camraRomanova
yES SAmRomanova
did u make me coffeeSam the Falcon
yea one for u one for me one for buckyI saw Bucky's name what happened?
cHILL FFSSam the Falcon
i fuCKIN SHIP IT SO MUCHOkay.. I found a camera. It's called the Canon
EOS 1200D and it's for beginners. I can buy
it! Yay!Sam the Falcon
dats good dats goodRomanova
stev we need to take a nap is it okYeah, sure sure! I need to sleep anyways, too.
Goodnight, guys! Please tell Bucky to FaceTime
me when he can!Romanova
whippedSam the Falcon
[read 4:01am]
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