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SteveRogers: Hello, people of America! Tony made me a twitter so is this a tweet?
10.4k retweets 33.4k likes

IAmIronMan: @SteveRogers you're welcome, and yes that is a tweet.

buckybarnes: @SteveRogers hey, buddy! Welcome to Twitter!

SteveRogers: how do I reply here?

IAmIronMan: @SteveRogers press the arrow and type your reply.

rhodeyrhodes: i smell a small fite twitterverse

NatashaRomanoff: @rhodeyrhodes same

SteveRogers: @buckybarnes thanks, Buck 😊 what are retweets?

SteveRogers: @IAmIronMan I got it. Thanks for making me twitter 😊

cawcawbarton: @NatashaRomanoff i bet on barnes starting it first

NatashaRomanoff: @cawcawbarton i bet on tony

IAmIronMan: @SteveRogers no problem. Retweets are done when people like your tweet enough to retweet it, showing it to their timelines.

buckybarnes: @IAmIronMan @SteveRogers you suck at explaining. When people like your tweet, and they want to show it to people, they retweet it for others to see or inform them.

IAmIronMan: @buckybarnes @SteveRogers that's what I said!

buckybarnes: @IAmIronMan @SteveRogers no you have shit explanations.

rhodeyrhodes: im laughing sm lmao catfites

blackpanther: @rhodeyrhodes i heard cats

samisafalcon: @rhodeyrhodes damn i was gone 4 a mission den i c dis

rhodeyrhodes: @samisafalcon well im team stony

samisafalcon: @rhodeyrhodes im team stucky bitch

SteveRogers: America is such a fine country! Never let anyone compromise your freedom! 🇺🇸
15.3k retweets 48.4k likes

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