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Bucky's POV

[stucky marriage]

woah woah woah what
is happening why is the
gc name like this

Scary Woman
becauSE i literally cant wait
for a stucky wedding jesus

Falc Yeah
same man liek i wanna c dis

i dont know if i can

steve's bitch
do you not have the balls to
marry your bestfriend aka
the love of your life

Scary Woman
yeah i mean you love him right

of course i love him is that even
a question

its just im afraid of rejection

Sam the Falcon
wat d actual fuck

Sam the Falcon
hav u sin d way stev looks at u

Scary Woman
he looks like a lovesick puppy

steve's bitch
more like golden retriever

i dont think steve's ready for
marriage yet guys he's captain
america he's busy with saving
the world

i dont think he's ready to quit
doing that

Scary Woman
it doesnt matter what you think
you little soviet

steve's bitch
yea because what matters is what he
thinks about this thing

steve's bitch
he doesnt have to quit you know

i know its just what if he dies
out there

Sam the Falcon
do u think hed even tink of
dying now dat u nd him hav
a stronger rel. status dan b4??

Sam the Falcon
hes not goin 2 die bc he has
sum1 2 liv 4

Scary Woman

okay man but steve and i need to
talk about this

but im ready to take it to the next step

steve's bitch
uGH god my two fave annoying assholes
are getting married

Scary Woman
same like they're gonna be more icky

Sam the Falcon
hav u even kissed cap

i dont think i can share that


Scary Woman
so all this time you were gay?


flirting w girls was just like a facade

steve owns my heart

Sam the Falcon
m so hapi 4 u both

Scary Woman
mE TOO oml

steve's bitch
i am the happiest fuck off
you two

me too guys, me too
[read 11:31am]

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