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[Anthony Edward]

Anthony Edward
steve my son are you okay

Okay I've been called "my child" by Buck
earlier today and now you call me your son.

I mean seriously I am 100 years old.

Anthony Edward
woah chill i was just asking if you were
okay grandpa

I'm okay, Tony. Thank you for defending me,
it means a lot.

Anthony Edward
no problem seriously i took care of that
daily gossip company

Did you seriously buy their company?

I think that's too much.

Anthony Edward
no its not

Anthony Edward
i gave the money to my charity anyways

Aww, that's a kind act coming from you, Stark.

People think you're this cocky and egotistical
guy but you're not. Under that façade is a
soft hearted guy.

Anthony Edward
tony tough!

Anthony Edward
how did u even change the letter c in facade

I don't know I just long pressed on the 'c.'

Anthony Edward
hmm progress

Anthony Edward
have you tried omegle?

What is that?

Anthony Edward
oops forget that

What is an omegle??
[read 11:21pm]

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