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SteveRogers: Finally! #VIEWS🙏🏼.

SteveRogers: Finally! #VIEWS🙏🏼

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50.4k retweets 89.3k likes

buckybarnes: @SteveRogers is your drake obsession ever going to go away bc

SteveRogers: @buckybarnes nahh fam. Feel No Ways been my jam since the 6 🙏🏼🙏🏼💯💯💯

samisafalcon: @SteveRogers @buckybarnes man wtf r u sayin

IAmIronMan: @samisafalcon @SteveRogers @buckybarnes did he just try to talk like that

SteveRogers: @IAmIronMan @samisafalcon @buckybarnes this is lit af fam 🔥 drizzy be up in the 6 🙏🏼💯

buckybarnes: @SteveRogers @IAmIronMan @samisafalcon are you going to stop or

samisafalcon: @SteveRogers @IAmIronMan @buckybarnes srsly if u wanna talk lyk dat u mite want 2 get tips frm mi man rhodes

IAmIronMan: @samisafalcon lets not. please.

SteveRogers: America, we be up in the 6! Listen to #VIEWS, please. #eargasm #litaf 💯🔥🙏🏼
100.4k retweets 110k likes

nicholasfury: @SteveRogers get your ass up here in upstate, rogers. we need to talk about superman.

buckybarnes: @SteveRogers guess upstate is #litaf then?
120.4k retweets 132.4k likes

IAmIronMan: @SteveRogers be up in the 6 aka upstate.
230.4k retweets 300.1k likes

samisfalcon: @SteveRogers nahh fam better get yo ass up in upstate homie
90.4k retweets 100.9k likes

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