829 91 38

[Falc Yeah]

sam i need you and nat here
at upstate now

Falc Yeah

its about steve okay this is vvvv

Falc Yeah
ok nat nd i will fly dur

Falc Yeah
b dur n 20
[read 1:02pm]


Bucky was walking towards the exit of the facility, he was waiting for Sam and Natasha to swing by. He can't wait to tell them the good news about Steve agreeing to go and get married. They would talk about it more when he comes home, but now, he was just excited and ecstatic.

Bucky was at the facility because Director Fury had called him. Fury told him to come by the facility to check the twins' training. He didn't know why, but I guess it was for the hand-to-hand combat training. The twins were getting good, but they need more practice to be better.

He kept checking his phone though. He needed to see if Steve sent some messages to him, if he needed to buy some batteries for the mouse and keyboard for Steve's iMac, or some new cases and camera lens.

Those were cheap, except for the camera lenses.

Bucky finally heard the quinjet landing. His excitement never fading as he waited for Sam and Natasha.

"B-Man! Let's go inside!" Sam yelled while gesturing with his arm. Bucky rolled his eyes but obliged anyways.

Once the three met, they sat on one of the couches. They were very comfy, by the way. Bucky enjoyed the softness of it.

"So," Nat spoke. "What is it that you wanted to tell us?" She asked, a smirk evident in her lips. Bucky was pretty sure Nat knew what he needed to say. "Yeah, man. Is this about the wedding stuff?" Sam asked and Bucky nodded.

"We talked about it earlier through text since I'm here and he's at the tower. I was so nervous at first because I thought he was going to say he wasn't ready to do that shit, but guess what, bitches? He said yes to marrying me!" Bucky can't contain his excitement, really. He was talking about the marriage with the love of his life.

"Jesus Christ, this is great! My ship is finally fucking sailing to the seas and I'm behind them with my lifeboat incase y'all need some savin'," Sam exclaimed. He was very happy that the two of his best friends are getting married, his fucking OTP, the one he set up.

"I am very happy for you both! When's the wedding?" Natasha asked, but before Bucky could answer, his phone rang.

Sam and Nat looked at him. "Director Fury?" Bucky answered, looking back at the both of them. Natasha rolled her eyes and grabbed the phone.

"Fury, hi. This is Natasha.. We're talking about something very important at the mo –.. No, I am not giving back the phone.. Jesus, this is important.. No, it's not about HYDRA.. What the fu –," Natasha was cut off because of Sam, who grabbed the phone from her.

"Director Fury, what's up this is Sam Wilson.. Will you please listen to me and stop swearing.. Man, what? No.. This is something personal to both Rogers and Barnes, okay.. It's about marriage what the hell.. Cool, ya feel?.. Okay, thanks, sir.. I'll let you know about the date.. Yeah man, bye," Sam looked at Natasha with a smirk, Bucky was just chuckling.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" Bucky asked.

Sam laughed and handed the phone back to Bucky and said, "I hate you," jokingly.

"So, what I need is a ring and funds, like a whole lot because Steve being the little princess he is, wants a wedding better than Prince William. Jesus, demanding right?" Bucky said, crossing his arms.

He just wanted to marry Steve, a grand wedding or not.

"Funds is easy, plus do you really need a ring with rock on it? You could buy Steve a simple silver ring for like $3 and he'd marry you," Natasha said. Sam nodded, "agree with Natasha. Why isn't Tony here, though? He's like, the waterfall of money."

"Steve might get suspicious if I took all of you," Bucky replied, checking his phone. "Do you think Steve would like a ring, a gold one, with "'til the end of the line' engraved on it?" Bucky asked his friends, he honestly thought it was a good idea.

He was with him 'til the end of the line, he promised him that.

Sam and Natasha looked at each other, smiles on their faces. "You two look like creepy twins except Sam doesn't have hair," Bucky said.

"That is a great idea for a ring, B, and I'm going to pretend you didn't say that."

"Let's get the ring, I'll plan how the proposal goes AND the engagement party."

Bucky smiled at the two of his friends.

He's so close to marrying the love of his life.

lowkey wanted this to happen just lowkey lowkey

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