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Captain America, Dead or Soon-to-be-Dead?

As we all know the Avengers have been fighting the bad guys for as long as we can remember, doing their duties being "Earth's Mightiest Heroes," but after the incident, it seems one of them are no longer mighty.

We have gathered information about Captain America, Steve Rogers, saying he was deeply shot on his side as said by our inside source. They were in the middle of a mission when Sam Wilson, also known as Falcon, saw Rogers getting shot by their enemies. It was also said that Captain Rogers suffered an internal bleeding and doctors said Rogers wouldn't survive, also because of the severe blood loss he experienced.

Iron Man, Tony Stark; one of Rogers' closest friends, said that Rogers would survive because, we quote, "he's Captain fucking America, why wouldn't he survive?" Let's just hope, Mr. Stark!

Would this be the last of our favorite hero?

Use the hashtags #CapWouldSurvive or #RIPCapRogers if you think Steve Rogers will survive or not!

Click on the next page if you want to see what Cap fans are saying!

- The Daily Gossipz

TECHNOLOGY ⇋ STEVE ROGERSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora