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tony's pov lmao

clinton i am in need of a favor

what are you up to now

i talked to u about clark kent before right

yea that shady ass interviewer
from the daily saturn

its the daily planet old guy

yeah so what about him

hes interviewing steve tomorrow and
i warned him abt kent but hes a lil
nice guy and wont believe me

what is my part

i need you to watch steve tomorrow at small
beans cafe around ten in case shit happens

ill text u if i get some info

what are you up to stark

pls watch steve for me and barnes

u had to drag barnes into this convo

bc we both care for steve so watch him ok
from above not inside the goddamn cafe

that shit was one time

yea and natasha recognized u so

whatever ok tomorrow around ten at
[read 3:21pm]


Tony closed his phone and thought about Clark Kent and how shady that guy is. Who knows what he'll ask Steve? Tony was just concerned for his friend.

"FRIDAY?" He called out to his AI.

"Yes, sir?" It responded.

"Run a background check on Clark Kent, now." He commanded, opening a computer of his own, doing some hacking.

"Clark Joseph Kent, the reporter from The Daily Planet?"

"Yeah, found anything yet?" Tony asked, typing up some commands that could easily make anyone confused. It's tough being a genius.

"Almost, sir."

"Good. Tell me if you found anything shocking or something."

TECHNOLOGY ⇋ STEVE ROGERSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora