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Sam's POV aka the leader of the Stucky cult. ++ lots of swearing i think

[for stucky we unite]

You added iron bitch to the chat!
You added nat damn to the chat!
You added bird bro to the chat!
You added lil bitch rhodey to the chat!

wut iz up bitches i hav added
u in dis gc bc we need stucky
to be tgt

lil bitch rhodey
how the fuck do you even have
my number

work purposes bitch now stop

nat damn
i cant imagine you two at the museum

iron bitch
i had a bill of $100k for all the things
you broke

bird bro
really? i retire for what, 5mins??

bird bro
and it all goes to shit

s bc of rhodey dis motherfucker
could not shut his whiny ass up

lil bitch rhodey
excuse me you were fucking wailing
and it was irritating

not wen ur ship s fuckin sailing u
salty ass motherfucker

nat damn
ok chill we are here to get stucky
tgt amirite

yes finally sum1 hu gets d memo

iron damn
do they need to date cos i wanna fund

i liek wat u rich ppl tink

bird bro
is steve even gay

bitch der is no gay wen it comes
2 love

lil bitch rhodey

bitch ur not allowed 2 agree

lil bitch rhodey
then why the fuck am i here then

cos i kno ur lil ass be shippin stucky

bird bro
anyways what do we need to do

iron bitch
push them together

wtf do u tink we r doin den

we need a plan

nat damn
so i may have a plan or not

spill nat

i will go down w dis ship!!!!!

fuckin stucky til the end!!1!1!1!!!!

lil bitch rhodey
you are so fuckin loud

dats wat dey all say

bird bro

iron bitch
thats good sam props to u


nat damn

nat damn
so get this how abt we all go
away for like one night and let
them keep the tower to themselves
aND see what theyre gonna do
to each other viA friday

fuck i luv dis


lil bitch rhodey
im not even in the tower

bird bro
im like on a break from u guys

shut the hell up w ur complaints
we r team stucky

iron bitch
okok all is set i told everyone except
the two idjits

nice nice plan s n motion
[read 4:22pm by iron bitch and 3 others]

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