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Janelle's P.O.V

Why do bad things happen to good people?

I didn't choose this life... This life chose me.

I remember my aunt telling me the story behind why Nelly, my biological father, was never around. I was 1. Him and my mama got divorced. After she found out he was having an affair and the chick was pregnant with one of their three kids. When the divorce was final he went to be with his new family, and left me behind.

When I turned 13 mama started dating this boy from my school. He was 16. Legally she adopted him, but secretly that wasn't the case. They were a couple behind closed doors.
A few months in to the relationship, mama got pregnant with my Lil sister Nia. He disappeared. After giving birth to a healthy baby, mama found herself gettin sick. Too sick to come home. So I got the courage to take the baby. I did what I felt I was supposed to do. I started skippin school and doin hair from home. So I could make money to provide for me and Nia.

Nia was about 3 weeks when the hospital called saying my mama was well enough to be released, but not well enough to come home. So they put her in a nursing home. Leaving me no choice but to parent Nia. A few days later I got a call from the Nursing home. The news..... She died.

That's when homeboy decided to pop back up.


"Daddy's Home" He said standing over me as I rocked Nia to sleep.
I had no words.

"This is how its supposed to be, me , you, and our baby girl" he said rubbing his knuckle down my cheek.

I still was speechless.

"Put the baby away and come to bed" he said pulling the covers back on my bed then made his self comfortable.

I knew he was crazy. Only because he was trained by the big boys. But I knew to follow his lead and do whatever his says. If I wanted to live.

I felt nothing, but pain. Boiling tears ran down my face as he constantly forced himself in and out of me.



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