The Visit

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Janelle P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my mother's voice.

"Janelle" she called for me. Rolling the L as always.

"Janelle baby it's mommy, can you hear me?" She asked.

"Mama?" I said sitting up in the bed looking for her.

And there she was, standing at the edge of the bed looking just as beautiful as I remembered.

"Yes baby,"

"Mama I miss you so much, I wish you were here with me" I said feeling the tears falling.

"I'm here baby, I always have been, I've been watching you Janelle, I'm proud of the young woman you've become you're truly bleesed to be alive after what happened last night. Look around you baby, you're surrounded by people who loves you just as much as I do, and you need to understand that."

"I know mama" I said looking down.

"Janelle, everything happens for a reason. Had that boy not kidnapped you you've would've never found your hero. Babygirl, August loves you with all his heart but he's a man baby, and men do stupid things, but he's owned up to his mistakes and has tried to make things better, he really loves you baby, I know you're still hurt but you said you forgave him. How can he be so sure? Face it Janelle, your love for him is strong and it hurts you more to be away from him, than it does being mad at him. So why aren't you telling him how you're feeling?"

"Mama, I'm scared, I don't wanna let him back in and he hurts what's left of me. I don't want him to hurt my baybehs" I cried.

"Baby there's nothing to be scared of, that man loves you and you need to let him do what his heart tells him to do. Let him treat you like the queen you are, and you treat him like a king. He loves you and your babies equally. Rather you want to believe it or not he's proud to soon be a father and you owe him that opportunity. Now, I'm gonna be going now, but remember what I told you. I love you baby." She placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too mama"

and with that she vanished.

I look to my side and see August sound asleep in the comfort of his sheets. That's when it hit me. I love this man with every single peice of me. Mama was right, I would be a fool to let him slip away.

"August" I said lightly shaking him.

Without responding he rolled over.

"August baybeh wake up" I said trying again.

He just laid there.

"August!" I yelled in his ear.

"Ahh fuck!, damn girl what chu screamin fo, can't chu see a nigga sleepin" he said covering his ear.

"I'm sorry, I didnt mean to scare you baybeh i just wanna talk" I said tracing the "A" tattoed on his neck with my index finger.

"You just wanna talk huh" he said sitting up.


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