Daddy's little girls

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August and Janelle👆

September 3rd
9:15 A.M.

Janelle P.O.V

"Baybeh wake up" I whispered, kissing him on his face and down his neck.

I had just finished making Aug his favorite hometown brakefast. Today is his 21st birthday and I wanna do everything I can to make it special.

"Baybeh," I said kissing him again.

He squirmed a little. I knew he wouldn't budge so I switched it up a little bit.

"August,*kiss* baybeh,*kiss* wake up,*kiss*" I said kissing him passionately.

He smiled and started to sit up.

"Happy birthday baybeh" I said sitting the tray in front of him.

"Thank you baybeh" he said kissing me before lifting the top off the plate.

He smiled.

"You made a nigga fish and grits huh"

"Anything fa you baybeh" I said pulling his chin hairs.

"Stop that shit" he said with a mouth full of grits.

"Anyways, I got somethin special planned fa you baybeh, but first I wanna give you this..." I said grabbing the box from out the closet.

Aug's gift👇

Aug's gift👇

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He laughed.

"Thank you baybeh, ima need dis fa tanight if ya know what I mean"


Once August finished his brakefast and put his gift on display, we both got ready for the day.

I decided that I would take him and the girls to skyzone. Believe it or not, August may be a "Thug" but deep down there's a lil boy trapped inside of him.

We was just about to leave when there was a knock at the door.

"I got it" August said gettin up from the sofa where he was tying his shoe.

" No, I got it baybeh, relax, today is your day" I said leaning down to kiss him.

He grabbed two hand fulls of my butt and deepened the kiss.

*knocks again*

I try to ignore it and carry on.

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