Angel Inspired

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Two days later

Janelle P.O.V

What happens when the man I love goes away for only God knows how many years? What do I do then? If he's gone then, who else is gonna love me? Who's gonna make me feel good at night after a bad day? Who's gonna, rub my feet, after a hard days work? What if he's gone for too long and he... Stops loving me?

I stood in the kitchen and watched as August sat in the living room and talked to the girls.

"Y'all know I love y'all right?" He

They nodded.

"Of course uncka august why would ya ask us a silly question?" Kay asked sarcastically.

He picked Kay up and sat her on his lap.

"Ya know, sometimes in life people make mistakes, and sometimes, people have ta pay fa they mistakes, I um, uncka Auggie messed up, I made a little mistake, and now, I gotta go away fa lil while," he said.

tears rolled down all of our cheeks.

"Go away? Like, daddy?" Chay asked.

"Nah baybeh, Ima just, Ima just be gone fa a long time, maybe a few years, but y'all can uh, y'all can always come visit me until they let me go,"

Kay looked down with a sadden look on her face.

"Ya goin ta jail?" She asked.

He sighed.

"Yeah baybeh, uncka August is goin ta jail but, that doesn't make meh a bad person. I'm still the same loving uncka auggie,"

"I thought jail was fa the bad people," mya said.

"Yeah, but, sometimes good people get thrown in by accident, and I guess it's mah turn. But no matter how long I'm gone, I'll always love ya, and as soon as I get out I promise I'll come right back and continue ta protect ya,"

"So what's gone happen ta us? We gone be orphans?" Chay asked.

"Orphans?, nahh baybeh I aint gone let that happen" he said.

"Can we stay hea wit tt Nelle and the baybehs?" Kay asked.

"Please uncka August," Chay pleaded sincerely.

"Please, we promise ta be big gurls like ya taught us, we'll do like Ya always say and act like lil ladies, and we'll help tt Nelle take care of the twins, and we won't forget ta call nanna and tell her goodnight, and we can always beat uncka Travis til ya get back" mya said causing us all ta laugh a lil bit.

"Yeah, you can stay hea wit tt Nelle, but cha gotta promise meh you'll do what she says, and keep ya rooms clean, and uhh, watch ova ya cousins fa meh will ya?"

They nodded.

I felt myself getting overwhelmed. I broke down in heavy tears and locked myself in the bathroom.

In less then one minute, I heard those foot steps. Those steps that always came to my rescue. Those steps that always brung me sanity. Those steps that always reassured me everything was gonna be okay.

"Baybeh," he said, knocking on the door.

My tears were so heavy I couldn't respond.

"Come on ma, open up lil lady"

I stood from the floor and looked in the mirror.

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