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Aug and Sheila

August P.O.V

It was 3 p.m. , I was sleep, just lettin' the day go by. I wake up and I got like 30 missed calls on mah shit. So I call mah cousin back.

~Phone Convo~

Me- " Yo J man wassup, ya heard meh?"

J- "Aug I got some bad news"

Me- " what happen!?"

J- " it's Mel, they got em"

My heart stopped. I was speechless.

J- " Aug you there?"

Me- " yeah"

J - " meet us at his crib man, get yoself together cuz"

~End of Convo~

Somebody done killed mah brotha. I had to get back at em, let em know. A nigga gotta feel mah pain. Ya heard meh.

I cried like a baybeh that night. Mama did too. I seen mah nieces suffer for the first time. They couldn't eat, couldn't sleep. Poor baybehs aint have no peace, and they mama, couldn't bare the pain of lookin at em. I couldn't blame her tho, they look just like him. At times I felt like Mel knew he was leavin us, but then I understood, he was just tryna provide for his family. That's when I knew it was mah responsibility to take care of his girls.

Janelle P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of beepin' sensors. I was in the hospital.

"Uhh, Doc!" Called the nurse.

"What is it" I heard a man's voice say making its way around the corner.

"She's, alive"

"What?, this can't be I just signed her dealth certificate"

"Its a miracle"

"Hey, Janelle, are you feeling okay?" He asked me.

" I feel fine" I said looking around the room searching for anyone I knew. By anyone I mean Yolanda.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"Where's who?" Asked the doctor.

"She was never here was she?" I asked thinking of how I clearly just died and my bestfriend was never there.

"Miss Jackson, no one was here for you. We got a call from a neighborhood saying there was a shooting down the street and we found you, and a guy laying on the ground, so we brought the both of you here and started removing bullets" the nurse informed me.

I sat up and tried to take in what she had just told me. Then it clicked.... Mel.

"Oh my God is he okay!" I panicked.

"He didn't make it, I'm sorry" she said.

" wait, you two knew each other?" Asked the doctor.

"I tried to save him" I said. Tears rolling down my face. I failed.

"Its okay, I'm sure he would've thanked you. Now, since you're alive how bout we contact you family so we can get you out of here okay?" Said the nurse.

"I don't have any family"

"Well who do you live with?" The doctor asked.

"Nobody" I said thinking back on the fact that me tryna be Mel's hero, didn't save me from bein' by my lonesome.

"Don't worry Janelle, we'll find you a place to stay" said the nurse.

I was in the hospital for a year after that. It was hell. The doctor had me gettin' up every hour of the day to walk the halls, and touch my toes. Physical therapy. I hated it. I didn't need it. But that's the only way they would discharge me. At one point I felt alone. I spent my 16th birtbday in a hospital bed. Nobody came to visit me. Not even Tremaine.

I was sitting in the bed eating the saltine crackers the nurse had sent me from the cafeteria, when there was a soft knock on the door.

"Janellee" the nurse said with a smile.

" Hey Kalonah" I smiled. For some odd reason over the year, we became good friends.

"I have good news" She said sitting on the edge of the hospital bed.

"Spill it" I said taking a sip of apple juice.

" We found you a home"

I was in shock, but then again I was worried because since I turned 16, I wasn't capable of stayin in a orphanage. So the only option was adoption. That's what made me think about my baybeh girl.

" Really, where?" I asked.

"Right here in New Orleans"

"Wow, thank you so much" I said hugging her.

"You're welcome, listen how bout you get dressed and pack up your things and then when you finished I have someone I want you to meet"

" sounds like a plan" I said with a smile.

It took me 30 minutes to pack all my stuff. The Nurse bought me clothes and shoes everyday. These Nurses and Doctors some of the nicest people I've ever known, they treat us patients well. They went over and beyond for me tho, I'm assumin' its because of my sittiuation. Or, maybe it's just some good people out there.

After I was done, it was only a matter of seconds before my nurse came in the room.

"Janelle, you ready?" She asked.

" yeah I'm ready"

"Okay, I think someone wants to meet you" she said moving away from the door to let this someone in.

"Janelle this Sheila Alsina, Sheila this is Janelle Jackson" she said introducing us.

At the moment I was in shook. Why would Sheila Alsina wanna meet me. Did she know?

"Hi" I said shaking her hand.

"Wow, you're beautiful" she said with a unbrakeable smile.

"Thank you, you are too!" I laughed.

"Janelle, Sheila is here to take you home" the nurse told me.

" Take me home, what chu mean take me home?, take me home as in home downtown?" I asked confused.

"No, take you home as in .... My house" Sheila said grabbing one of my bags sittin' it in the wheel chair.

"Janelle Sheila adopted you" the nurse informed me.

"Really?, woww, thank you!" I said hugging her as tears rolled down my face.

"Oh no baybeh, don't cry!, it's okay. Ima take care of you honey" she said patting my back.

The nurse stacked all my bags on the wheel chair and rolled it down to the lobby, while I walked with my new... Mother?

So what does this mean? Is this a fresh start? Did she save me? What do I do now? What happens next?


Sorry for any errors!

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