Mistress On A Misson

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Still One Week Later

Javonni P.O.V

A week ago I found out mah old manz wasn't originally mah old manz. He belonged to someone else. The day Cc put it all on the kitchen table was the day part of me died. How would you feel if you found out that the only reason you on the face of the earth is cause the man you call yo father was creepin with the woman you call yo mother?

You dont know do you?, nahh cause this life aint chu. But ima tell you how it feels... It hurts like hell. It opens a door to a life you neva knew existed. I can't say that's not a good thang , cause it is in a way. At least for me and Cornell. Thats the part I thank the man upstairs for. Cause usually in this situation the child that got left behind gains hatred for errbody else. But Janelle, she different. She make me and lil bro feel like family. She show us that she loves, and cares for us even after the mistake old manz made. What did I learn from all this? All strangers are not strangers.

After thinkin all this through I felt like I needed to have a talk wit ma dukes, cause from the sound of it ... she a home wreaker, and that's just not sittin well wit me. Thats some tough meat to swallow. Ima make sure she clean up her dirt.

"Ma can I talk to you for a minute ?" I asked walking in the kitchen where she was drinkin a cup of coffee.

"Yeah what about?" She said taking another sip.

"I'm not too happy with the story I heard on Tuesday. I'm disappointed, I mean I'm cool with the fact that I got another sister on the planet but I'm hurt, I neva expected this from you or him. So I been thinkin and.."

" and what? you gone move out like Chanelle and act like we don't exist" she said getting worked up.

"First of all, Chanelle don't act like y'all don't exist, she moved cause that's what was best for her. Its the only way she can get ova this. Second of all, I'm not moving, cause um, I'm only 15 and I ain't got no job yet sooo, ima be here a lil while longer and third of all, I was gone say I think you need to talk to Janelle and her foster family"

"Why would I do that"

"Because ma, you played a part in her heart break too, and I see it wheneva im wit her. She still hurt, yall neva really told her why you did what chu did and to make it even worse, you aint say a word when she came ova here. How can she look past that?"

"I guess you're right, but you expect me to just go ova there and make her forgive me?"

"What?, ma no, go ova there and sit down wit Mrs.Shelia first, tell her who you are,and why you came ova there and after you talk to her you talk to Janelle"

"And say what Javonni?"

"Come on ma you the adult you post to know this stuff!, look you need to explain to her why you did it and if you really feel bad you need to express that. The worst she can do is not forgive you"

"Alright, Ima go ova there and talk to these people if I dont come back Im either dead or in jail" she said putting her cup down and walking to her room.

I hope this work. I dont wanna see mah sister angry no mo', life is too short to walk aroun' neglectin' its beauty.

A few minutes later

Chantel 👇

Chantel 👇

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