CF 35

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"We're fine mom, yes- we're taking good care of ourselves. Uh-huh. Yeah. We are already home. Advance good night to the three of you too. Bye." And then Shinichi hung up his phone.

As he turned away from the window and the sunset, his gaze landed on his two guy friends.

Its almost night and they just got back from the lake.

It was a good experience, Kaito and Heiji was still being a kid that time and almost fell off the boat because of their stupidness.

While he and Shiho, they had a different boat which is good because if those two are with them, Shiho will probably thrown them out herself.

"Where's Shiho?" Shinichi asked as he entered the living room where Kaito and Heiji are eating popcorn and watching movies- seriously, they just got home yet here they are.

Both shrugged as they chews their popcorns.

Shinichi sighed at their answer, these two- really.

"Shi?" He said as he entered her room.

"Hnm?" She answered while not looking at him.

Shinichi ceased his forehead as he found her looking for something on the bed, on the floor, on her desk- everywhere.

"Something wrong?"

"Uh, no. It's nothing." She dismissed him.

"If 'it's nothing', you wont be bothered by 'it'." He said as a matter of factly. "Now tell me, what is it?"

Shiho sighed before sitting on her bed.

"I lost my USB, okay?" She daid, quite embarrassed for she's not a clumsy person.

Shinichi smiled at her cuteness that she has been showing whenever they're alone.

Shiho was pouting a bit and a bit blushing, oh how he wants to pinch those cheeks of her and steal a kiss from that pouty naturally pinkish lips.

"Where did you lost it?" He finally took a sit beside her.

"I wouldn't look for it if i know 'where' i lost it." She answered in sarcasm, oh well- he can't change that attitude of her, but it doesn't matter- he is amused by it almost all the time.

"Really?" Shinichi asked while raising an eyebrow but his face show how amused he was, if she's using sarcasm then she's really pissed right now but since it was him who's in her room, she was trying so hard not to burst at him.

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